4. Each entry will be entered by the Society in
the appropriate section of the register which may
be inspected by solicitors and persons authorised
in writing by solicitors at the Society's offices
during business hours. No fee for inspection will
be payable by a member of the Society or by a
person who has within the previous four weeks
made and paid for an entry in the appropriate
section of the register. In all other cases a fee of
2/6d. will be payable, which fee will cover any
number of
inspections within
months from the date of its payment. No person
other than a solicitor will be permitted to inspect
the register without a satisfactory
letter of
authority signed personally by the solicitor who
is his employer.
5. Each entry will be published by the Society
free of additional charge once in the
soon as conveniently possible after receipt of the
entry. Repeats in subsequent issues of the
may be inserted at the discretion of the Society
on payment of a charge to be quoted.
6. Each entrant should state whether the entry
is to be made and published over his name or over
a box number. Entries in Section A, unless other
wise expressly directed in writing, will be made
and published over Box Numbers only and the
name of any person making an entry in Section A
will be disclosed only with his express permission
in writing ; but a name in Sections B or C may be
disclosed and published unless written instruc
tions to the contrary are received at the time of
making the entry.
7. Replies to advertisements and to entries in
register must be enclosed
in envelopes
addressed to the Society, clearly marked with the
appropriate Box Number and should be accom
panied by a prepaid envelope for forwarding
(when so desired) to the entrant.
8. Replies to advertisements will not be for
warded by post unless accompanied by a prepaid
envelope as aforesaid or unless the advertiser has
lodged beforehand with the Society a fee of lOd.
or such larger amount as may be sufficient to
cover postages. Replies will, however, be handed
out without extra charge to
the advertiser
in person or by an agent
authorised in writing as above. Persons wishing
the Society with
entrants must lodge the appropriate postage.
9. Every entry is accepted subject to the
approval of the Council but the Council will not
accept responsibility for any entry.
10. All entrants or advertisers must notify the
Society as soon as their requirements are satisfied
so that a note to that effect may be made in the
11. An entry in any section of the Register will
be regarded as current for six months from the
date on which it is received by the Society and
will be preserved for that period, but at any time
thereafter may be cancelled without notice to the
12. The Society reserves the right to discontinue
the Scheme at anv time without notice to entrants.
THE Chief Justice has appointed Mr. P. F.
O'Reilly to be a member of the Statutory Com
mittee in place of Mr. E. F. Collins who has
resigned from the Committee owing to ill-health.
MR. WILLIAM DEVOY, Solicitor, died on Iflth
July, 1944, at the Mater Hospital, Dublin.
Mr. Devoy served his apprenticeship with the
late Mr. John Hawthorne, Dublin, was admitted
in Hilary Sittings, 1920, and practised at 74
Dame Street, Dublin and subsequently at Bally-
haunis until the year 1928.
MR. JAMES A. KIERNAN, Solicitor, (late of Derry-
carne, Dromod, Co. Leitrim), died on 16th July,
1944, in Dublin.
Mr. Kiernan served his apprenticeship with the
late Mr. Michael D'Alton, Dublin ; was admitted
in Trinity Sittings, 1901, and practised in Ballina-
more up to the year 1926 when he was appointed
County Registrar for C'o. Leitrim. He retired in
1943. '
Mil. Louis DE MONTFORT, Solicitor, died on 22nd
July, 1944, at St. Ann's Hill, Cork.
Mr. de Montfort was admitted in Hilary Sittings,
1895, and practised at 30 College Green, Dublin,
up to the year 1918, and at Clones from 1918 to
1923, when he retired.