12. Gerard Horan
Tadg 11. 6 Braoiiain
> equal.
Hubert C. Wine
15. Edward Toner.
Patrick C. Jones.
17. Vincent T. H. Bclany.
18. Thomas P. Byrne.
19. Daniel Ahern.
John D. Quiiui.
The remaining candidates are postponed.
The Council has awarded a Silver Medal to
Hymaii Tarlo, B.A.T.C.D.
Scholarships, 1944.
THE Findlatcr Scholarship was awarded to John
M. O'Farrell, who served his apprenticeship with
Mr. Joseph Barrett, of 15 Eustace Street, Dublin.
The Overend Final Examination Scholarship
(Real Property and Conveyancing) was also
awarded to John M. O'Farrell.
The Overend Preliminary Examination Scholar
ship was awarded
to Patrick E. Thornton.
subject to his compliance with the Regulations
governing the Scholarship.
Mu. NICHOLAS C. SHEE, Solicitor, died on 31st
October, 1944, at the Central Hotel, Clonmel.
Mr. Shee served his apprenticeship to Mr.
James J. O'Shee of Carrick-on-Suir, was admitted
in Michaelmas Sittings, 1902, and practised at
MR. ISAAC J. T. COLQIII-IOUN, Solicitor, died at
his residence, Clbneen, Buncrana, Co. Donegal,
on 3rd November, 1944.
Mr. Colquhoun served his apprenticeship with
the late Mr. Robert A. Wilson, of Londonderry,
was admitted
in Hilary Sittings, 1899, and
practised at Buncrana and Londonderry.
ME. HUGH C. KELLY, Solicitor, died at his resi
dence, Hccklands, Newtownards Road, Belfast,
on 13th November, 1944.
Mr. Kelly was apprenticed to his father, the
late Mr. Robert Kelly of Belfast, was admitted
in Hilary Sittings, 1873, and practised at Belfast.
•He was under-Sheriff of County Down for fifty-
four years.
A colleague writes :—'
Hugh C. Kelly died on the 13th November,
1944, aged 95.
Mr. Kelly was admitted in. 1873, and had thus
completed seventy-one years as a solicitor. He
practised in Belfast. He was appointed • Sub-
Sheriff of County Down almost immediately 011
his admission as a solicitor, and held that office
for fifty-four years.
Mr. Kelly's main interest in life lay in sport,
representing Ireland in Rugby, Cricket, Lawn Ten
nis and Lacrosse. He also found time for athletics,
rowing, hurling, hockey,
association football, polo, badminton, cycling
and billiards. He was one of the founders of the
Irish Golfing Union and officiated as starter at
the open championship last held at Dollymouiit,
where he held quite a court on the first tee.
He was also keenly interested in yachting,
representing the Royal Ulster Yacht Club in the
race for the America Cup when Sir Thomas
Lipton challenged in 1899, 1901 and 1903. He
was, indeed, a great all-rounder.
He will be remembered for his charm of manner
and old-world courtesy which he displayed to all,
irrespective of creed, class or politics.
Electioneers in County Down will have kindly
recollections of him.
MR. STANDISH E. MASON, Solicitor, died at his
residence, Prospect, Mullingar, on 25th November,
Mr. Mason served his apprenticeship with the
late Mr. Edwin E. Mason of Dublin, was admitted
in Michaelmas Sittings, 1898, and practised under
the style of John Mason & Son at 32 Molesworth
Street, Dublin, up to the ,ycar 1935, and after
wards at Mullingar.
MR. PATRICK H. ROSNEY, Solicitor, died at his resi
dence, Riverview, Cahirciveen, on 29th November,
Mr. Rosney served his apprenticeship with the
late Mr. Joseph Mangaii of Tralee, was admitted
in Hilary Sittings, 1913, and practised at Cahir