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Land Registration Fee Order, 1944.

THE Secretary reported that he had received a

letter from the Department of Justice stating

that the Minister for Justice was not prepared to

appoint more than two members of the Council

.on the proposed Land Registration Fees Com

mittee. It was resolved that Messrs. John B.

Hamill and Patrick F. O'Reilly be appointed as

the representatives of the Council on that Com


A number of matters were considered and

referred to Committees for reports.

DECEMBER 8th. Senator O'Dea,



quently Mr. Patrick F. O'Reilly in the chair.

Present: Messrs. A. Cox. W. S. Huggard, P. R.

Boyd, John B. Hamill, William L. Duggan, Scan

6 hUadhaigh, W. S. Haves, G. A. Overend,

C. G. Stapleton, H. P. Mayne, F. J. W. Darley,

Daniel O'Connell, William J. Norman, J. R.

Quirke, Roger Greene, J. P. Carrigan, H. St. J.

Blake, E. M. FitzGerald, John S. O'Connor,

Hugh O'Donnell.

A number of applications from apprentices

were dealt with.

Consultation Rooms.

IT was decided that the charge for each con

sultation room should be as follows, with effect

from 1st January, 1945 :—

Use of room for half-hour or less, 5/—



over half an hour, 10/-, in


Salaries Paid to Solicitors in the Employment of

the State.

THE Secretary reported that he had written to

the Department of Finance asking that a depu

tation from the Council should be received by

the Minister or by one of his Secretaries to put

forward the view of the Council that the salaries

offered for positions as assistant solicitors in the

service of the State advertised for open competi

tion were inadequate for persons possessing pro

fessional qualifications, and that a letter had been

received from the Department agreeing to receive

the proposed deputation. Senator O'Dea and

Messrs. Cox, and Norman, together with the

President, were appointed to form the deputation.

DECEMBER 15th. The President in the chair.

Present: Messrs. W. S. Huggard and Hugh

O'Donnell, Vice-Presidents ; Messrs. W. S. Hayes,

Roger Greene, H. St. J. Blake, C. G. Stapleton,

P. R. Boyd, J. R. Quirke, Daniel O'Connell,

J. J. Smyth, William J. Norman, J. Gillespie,

J. B. Hamill, Scan 0 hUadhaigh, H. P. Mayne,

E. M. FitzGerald, J. S. O'Connor, G. A. Overend,

A. Cox, M. G. R. Lardner.

Committees for Year 1944-45.

THE draft list of the Committees of the Council

was submitted and adopted.

Salaries Paid to Solicitors in the Employment of

the State.

THE President reported that he had attended,

with Senator O'Dea and Messrs Cox, Norman,

and the Secretary at Government Buildings, and

that the deputation had been received by the

Minister for Finance. The view of the Council,

that the salaries at present offered for the posi

tions of assistant solicitors, awarded by open

competition, were altogether inadequate had

been fully expressed by the deputation. The

President stated that the Minister had given the

deputation a very sympathetic hearing and,

while unable to commit himself to any promise

that the position would be improved during the

present emergency, he had indicated that the

position would be examined by the officials of

his Department.

Land Registration Fee Order, 1944.

THE President reported that Mr. Hamill and

himself had received from the Minister for

Justice a copy of the terms of reference of the

Land Registration Fees Committee and that the

first meeting of the Committee would be held on

Tuesday, December 19th.

Applications Under Section 47.

Two applications by solicitors for leave to take

out their practising certificates for the current

year were considered. One was granted on pay

ment of two years' arrears of licence duty and

the other was granted without conditions.

The President reported that, with the Secre

tary, he had paid an official call on the Chief

Justice to offer him his compliments and to con

vey to him the good wishes of the Council and

the Society.

A number of matters were considered and

referred to Committees for reports.



MR. R. A. Corscadden, Solicitor, of Belfast, has

been elected President of the above Society for

the year 1944/45. The following are the extra-