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INFORMS Nashville – 2016



Cumberland 4- Omni

Optimization in Crew Planning and Crew

Leave Planning

Sponsored: Aviation Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Norbert Lingaya, Kronos Incorporated, 3535 Queen Mary Rd,

Suite 500, Montreal, QC, H3V 1H8, Canada,

1 - Bulk Annual Leave Slot Generator: A Two-phase Approach

Luc Charest, Operations Research Specialist, AD OPT, A Kronos

Division, 3535 chemin Queen-Mary Ouest, bureau 500, Montréal,

QC, H3V 1H8, Canada,

AD OPT has enriched its Man Power Planning tool, namely “Altitude Insight”,

with a new component: the Leave Solver. This new component solves the

problem of generating, awarding and assigning Long Service Leave and Bulk

Annual Leave slots to crew member. With this presentation, we cover how the

two-phase approach of the Leave Slot Generator is effective at generating slots in

order to meet the first optimization requirement of leveling the gap related to the

operational requirement while attaining the second objective of controlling the

distribution and variety of generated slots.

2 - A Satisfaction Distribution Approach For Airline Crew

Rostering Problems

Babacar Thiongane, AD OPT, A Kronos Division,

3535 Queen-Mary, Bureau 650, Montreal, QC, H3V1H8, Canada,

The satisfaction distribution problem in airline crew rostering aims to have a fair

distribution of the bids satisfaction among crewmembers. We propose a new

approach to solve this problem that also provides good quality of global


3 - Integral Column Generation

Guy Desaulniers, GERAD,

Guy Desaulniers, Polytechnique Montreal & GERAD, Montreal,

QC, Canada,

We introduce an integral column generation method, which is an adaptation of

the integral simplex using decomposition algorithm to the column generation

context. The new method finds an improved integer solution at each column

generation iteration until reaching an optimal solution. We present results for

some crew scheduling problems for which optimal solutions are often obtained in

few iterations.

4 - Monthly Crew Pairing With 40 000 Flights

Francois Soumis, GERAD,


François Lessard, Mohammed Saddoune

The crew pairing problem is modelled as a set-partitioning problem solved by

columns generation. The Dynamic Constraints Aggregation speed-up the master

problem and permit to solve a weekly window of 10 000 flights in few hours. The

rolling horizon with weekly windows produces solutions improver by up to 5%.


Cumberland 5- Omni

Probabilistic Location Models

Sponsored: Location Analysis

Sponsored Session

Chair: Kayse Lee Maass, University of Michigan, 1205 Beal Avenue

Ann Arbor, Westland, MI, 48109-2117, United States,

1 - Robust Defibrillator Placement Under Cardiac Arrest

Location Uncertainty

Auyon Siddiq, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States,,

Timothy Chan, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen

The placement of automated external defibrillators (AED) in public locations

allows bystanders of cardiac arrest to administer treatment prior to the arrival of

emergency medical responders. A key challenge in AED positioning is that cardiac

arrest locations are unknown in advance. We address this by formulating the AED

problem as a distributionally robust facility location model with uncertainty in the

locations of the demand points. Numerical results demonstrate that hedging

against demand location uncertainty has the potential to improve cardiac arrest

survival outcomes by mitigating the risk of long response times.

2 - Reliable Sensor Deployment For Object Positioning And

Surveillance In A Two Dimensional Space

Siyang Xie, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,

United States,

, Kun An, Yanfeng Ouyang

This paper formulates a mixed-integer non-linear mathematical model for the

reliable sensor deployment problem considering site-dependent sensor failures,

where at least three sensors are required to work together to locate an object in a

two-dimensional plane. The non-linear program is first linearized and customized

Lagrangian relaxation algorithm is then developed to effectively solve the model.

Numerical examples are presented.

3 - Facility Location Planning Under Uncertainty In

Disaster Management

Emilia Grass, Institute for Operations Research and Information

Systems (ORIS),

Establishing relief facilities and the pre-positioning of first aid supplies before the

occurrence of natural disasters is one of the most important preparation strategies

in disaster management. Such location and storage decisions have to be made

under a high level of uncertainty since the magnitude, time and location of

disasters are not known in advance. In this talk, two-stage stochastic programs are

presented which are particularly valuable for these situations. This is due to their

ability to model uncertainties and to take into account possible implications of

location decisions on relief item distribution in the aftermath of a disaster.

4 - Comparison Of Various Chance Constraints On The Inventory

Modulated Capacitated Location Problem

Kayse Lee Maass, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United


, Mark Stephen Daskin, Siqian Shen

Using diverse data instances, we compare three approaches to incorporating

chance constraints into a stochastic capacitated facility location problem in which

processing facilities are able to accept demands in excess of the capacity constraint

for short periods of time. Each of the formulations simultaneously assesses a

penalty cost for each unit of unprocessed demand and imposes limits on the

amount of unprocessed demand allowed. We show how the different approaches

affect the optimal solution in terms of the facility locations, demand allocations,

amount of unprocessed demand, and overall cost.


Cumberland 6- Omni

Theory and Application of the Analytic

Network Process

Sponsored: Multiple Criteria Decision Making

Sponsored Session

Chair: Orrin Cooper, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN,

United States,

1 - Improving Coherency In The Anp With A Clustering Algorithm

Orrin Cooper, University of Memphis,


Idil Yavuz

When incoherent priority vectors in an ANP Supermatrix are identified it can be

costly to elicit new pairwise comparisons. The proposed method can save decision

makers valuable time and effort by using the information and relationships that

already exist in the weighted Supermatrix. There is also useful information in the

linking estimates that were already calculated and used to measure the coherency

of the Supermatrix. A dynamic clustering method is used to automatically identify

a cluster of coherent linking estimates from which a new coherent priority vector

can be calculated and used to replace an incoherent priority vector.

2 - Being Consistent With Ahp Consistency: Issues And Applications

Enrique Mu, Carlow University,

Consistency has been a cornerstone of AHP theory and applications. The rule of

thumb has been that any pairwise comparison matrix for which the consistency

ratio (CR) is less or equal than 0.1 will yield an eigenvector which will diverge

very little from the calculated eigenvector for the ideal case of CR=0. However,

putting aside the theoretical need for a low inconsistency, we will discuss here

what are the potential practical applications of this. Can we use it to screen out of

the decision-making process, “irrational” decision-makers? What else can

consistency tell us about the decision-maker or the decision-making process? In

which situations may consistency take a greater degree of importance?
