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2012 Employee Manual | Effective March 1, 2012
The Firm believes all employees should register to vote in their respective communities,
and all employees are encouraged to vote regularly. If it is impossible to vote due to an
employee’s individual schedule of working hours, two hours of paid time off, or payment as
required by law, will be granted.
Richard J. Whipple, Jr., is committed to furthering causes that advance the goals of non-
profit organizations (e.g., Ronald McDonald House). He believes as a responsible member
of the community that the Firm should participate by volunteering in these ventures. Each
employee who participates in a charity, named by management, will be allowed up to
eight hours of paid time for their participation per year.
The Firm is situated in an area where rapid weather changes can occur, especially during
winter. Inclement weather conditions can have an adverse impact on routine functions.
In these instances management may set a delayed reporting time and employees must
report within the announced delayed time frame. Efforts may be made to contact
employees by phone regarding the delayed reporting time. Management may initiate
early release. If employees are unable to report to work, Leave Time will be charged.
Each full-time employee will be allowed up to 30 days of Leave Without Pay. This leave will
be allowed only once each year and must be taken in consecutive days. To qualify for this
Leave Without Pay, the employee must present to management a letter from a doctor of
medicine indicating that the time is necessary for recovery from an illness or injury, and that
the employee is unable to return to work for the specified period of time. Management
reserves the right to request that the employee obtain a second opinion from a doctor
chosen by the Firm. If the opinions of the doctors vary, management reserves the right to
choose which doctor’s advice to follow.
After the expiration of the 30 day period, if the employee does not return to work, they will
be terminated.
Employees terminated in accordance with this provision may reapply for employment
with the Firm if a position is open for which the employee is qualified. The employee’s
application will be considered along with others applying for the same position, and no
preference will be given for prior employment with the Firm, but experience obtained
while working for the Firm will be considered consistent with the Firm’s needs.
An employee may take up to ten consecutive days off for the birth or adoption of a
child who is the direct descendent of the employee. Where both father and mother are
employed by the Firm, they may divide the ten days between them, but in no event shall
the total time off for both employees exceed ten days.