J U L Y , 2 0 1 7
The Service You Deserve
Taylor Management Company has been
managing community associations for
decades. We have been recognized
by the Community Associations Institute (CAI) as an Accredited Association Management
Company (AAMC) and by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) as an Accredited
Management Organization (AMO). These designations are accorded for the highest level
of ethics and professional management in the industry.
Leaders in Professional Community
Management for Decades!
80 South Jefferson Road, 2nd Floor, Whippany, NJ | Tel. 973.267.9000
100 Franklin Square Drive, Suite 203, Somerset, NJ, NJ | 732.764.1001
42-2 Harmon Cove Towers, Secaucus, NJ | 201.325.8500
been improperly installed can lead
to moisture being trapped behind the
material, weather barrier deficiencies
causing leaks, mold, and even struc-
tural damage. Improper detailing
can also cause surface cracking and
from page 24.
There are numerous mistakes an
unqualified or lackadaisical applicator
can make that result in deficient installa-
tion. These mistakes include improperly
fastening the insulation board or lath to
the building structure, failure to install the
reinforcement mesh properly, failure to
install the proper thickness of material or,
most often, improper draining (flashing)
of the systems and defective interfaces
with adjoining building materials. This
is something that no association should
have to encounter as it can be avoided.
The results of these conditions will
reduce the effective useful life and a
total replacement of the system will
eventually become an urgent situa-
tion. In addition, ongoing mainte-
nance and re-coating are needed for
these systems and should be budget-
ed for, accordingly and appropriately,
through a reserve or deferred budget.
While having a successful lifetime of
40 to 50 years, dependent upon the
product and installation, reserving
funds for eventual replacement is high-
ly recommended when the remaining
useful life is under 30 years.
Wood Siding and Trim
Wood siding and trim require con-
tinued maintenance and overtime,
an inevitable replacement. Typically,
wood siding and trim will begin to
show signs of aging over their useful
lifetime. It is important that deterio-
rated sections of the trim or siding
are replaced or maintained prior to
any staining and/or weatherproofing
project. Failure to properly prime
or paint trim on all sides and at cuts
is a common reason for premature
replacements. If your community has
significant amounts of wood trim, a
line item in a reserve of deferred main-
tenance budget is crucial.
Siding installations in communi-
ties may have too much unprotected
weather exposure and/or a very thin
siding thickness. As a result, splitting
and cupping of the siding will eventu-
ally occur and may lead to problems,
leaks and costly replacements.
Most importantly, the aging siding