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whole recording process – it says

a lot about the band’s ambitions.

While you should never

publicly out your favourite child,

the lads relent. For Linacre: “At

the moment,


. It’s just

amazing. But I think

Rebel Babe

is my favourite.” Laska is more

undecided: “I don’t know, man.

One time I was at the gym and

I put on


, and I

listened to it 20 times in a row. I

was like, ‘Ferg, it’s the best song

on the album.’”

Along with the beautifully-

shot cover art and each song’s

particular female icon (included

in the album’s liner notes), the

deliberate celebration of powerful

women continues in Kingswood’s

selected support acts for their

huge album tour: female-led

punk act WAAX and indie-pop

crooner Maddy Jane. How the

new material will translate live

is still being nutted out, but rest

assured the three-piece have

something very special in store

for their regional and major city












here’s a perception going

‘round that Kingswood’s new

album is a wild departure from

the riff-heavy, guitar-driven rock

of their huge debut



. For lead singer Fergus

Linacre and guitarist Alex Laska,

After Hours, Close To Dawn


the most Kingswood they’ve

ever sounded. Recorded in

Nashville at the legendary Sound

Emporium Studios, the three-

piece really set out to embrace

the Tennessee lifestyle. “There’s

everything going on there,"

Linacre tells us. "There is still

the country layout that sort of

smothers everything. But all

the cool stuff’s happening in


It sounds mellow but the

recording process employed

was very intensive; in order to

get that "five star take", Laska

would criticise Linacre’s vocal

performances to push him

further into "Spirit Mode" – a

plane apparently every track on

the album reached, whether

it was through that negative

reinforcement, the gruelling 50-

plus takes it took to nail


For Love

, or even weighting

Linacre’s chest with cinder blocks

to record the vocal for




In terms of the album’s

unifying feel, the boys recall

walking through a park in

Nashville where they came

across a couple intimately rolling

around in the grass, completely

infatuated with each other. To the

side of them was a work sign,

reading ‘Tree Falling Ahead’. So

keen were the guys to absorb

the emotion of the couple on the

grass, they mistakenly read the

sign as ‘True Feeling Ahead’, and

that became the motto of the


Tim Lambert


Savannah Douglas


mbarking on their astonishing 25th

anniversary together, The Waifs knew only

two things. The first was that they would make

an album to celebrate and the second was that

it would be made for the fans. The rest just fell

in to place, according to Vikki Thorn.

"We didn’t plan too much,” Thorn reveals.

“We set aside two weeks and said ‘Let’s

go to Josh’s house’, and we didn’t put a lot

of forethought into it. But when we landed

there, we sat down and faced each other and

went, ‘Okay, now what are we going to do?’

We talked about maybe recording an album

of covers and old songs. The premise was

[that] we were going to sit around

in a room together and just play

acoustically. ‘Cause the whole

approach was not what do we want

to do, but what do we think the fans

would want.”

Continuing the album process in

true Waifs nature, the recording of


found its place in an unlikely, makeshift

spot. “Josh [has] built this magnificent old

farmhouse that is actually modelled on an old

school house he used to drive past, and it’s

just a big open plan room. We set up the studio

where his kitchen


be,” she enunciates. “I

think there’s about a 30 foot ceiling, so it’s [an]

incredibly open space with a lot of reverb. It’s a

very live room. We brought a bunch of baffles

to dampen the sound, but the idea was just an

informal setting. It’s all very live and, I think, a

really good representation of where the band

is at after 25 years. This is who we are. This is

what we sound like.“

Part of The Waifs' unique output over the

years has found the Australian folk trio with

their share of sad songs. But it’s Thorn’s new


Long Way From Home

that strikes a chord

for the girl who used to live by the Australian

ocean. “Where I live in America, it’s the Wild

West, it’s not the America you see in television

or in the news,” she states. “It’s a very isolated

part of Utah that I live in, with a house at

the end of the road. I just have these

moments where I literally feel so far

from everything I know, and everything

I’ve grown up with, and everything I

love. I actually love it in Utah, but I write

a lot of homesick songs because I feel it.

I feel it there. I feel that distance.”

Despite living in vastly different areas

geographically, Thorn laughs when the

battle theme of angsty tracks

Lion And



I Won’t Go Down


Done And


is raised. “Well, the interesting

thing is, all those three songs? One’s

written by Donna, one’s written by me,

one’s written by Josh,” she chuckles. “I think it

reflects a pretty common experience of middle

age. I think we all sort of struggle with the

same thing. You have kids, you see the good

and the bad in the world, and the struggle

within that, and you’re always walking that line.”



The Waifs is out

now via Jarrah



02/03 - 15/04


23/03 - 29/04

After Hours,

Close To Dawn

by Kingswood is out

March 3 via Dew
