of gin, and half a wine-glass of vermouth; shake,
strain, and add peel.
Wltisky Cocktail
is made in the same way as the above, omitting
the raspberry syrup, gin, and vermouth j and this
brings us to the end of cocktails.
There is a fancy drink which is known in
different parts of the world under different
names, and some of the ingredients in which
differ slightly.
In the Mediterranean islands
it is known as a
and this is the way to make it.
Break into a small tumbler the yolk of one egg
add one-third of a wine-glass of curacoa, one-third
of a wine-glass of maraschino, and one-third of a
wine-glass of brandy ; add pounded ice, shake well,
and strain ; whisk the white of an egg to a stiff
froth, and place it on the top; dust with pink
sugar, and suck through a strawf
In France there is asomewhat similar potion
known as
L'Amour Poussee,
which also figures under other names in different
parts of the great continent of America, and in
the West Indies.
Take a spiral glass (see that you get this) and fill
it one-third full of maraschino ; place carefully in
it the unbeaten yolk of an egg. Surround this with