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Revelry means remorse—And " Katzenjammer "—And other

things—Why will ye do it?—The devil in solution—Alco

holism a disease— An accountant on wires — A jumpy

journalist—A lot of jolly dogs—What is " Langdebeefe ** ?

—To cure spleen or vapours—Directly opposite effects of

alcohol—The best pick-me-up in the world—An anchovy

toast—Baltimore egg nogg—Orange quinine—About brandy

and soda-water—A Scorcher.—Brazil relish — St. Mark's

pick-me-up — A champion bitters — A devilled biscuit—

Restorative sandwiches—Fresh air and exercise best of all—

Stick to your nerve !

This is a world of compensations. Therefore it

is of no use shutting our eyes to the fact that

for every minute of injudicious, over-estimated

revelry, of devotion to the rosy god, passed at

night in the best of society, with boon com

panions, we are liable to an hour's disturbance,

worry, agony of mind, headache, remorse of

conscience, "jim-jams," " Katzenjammer " (the

equivalent for "hot coppers")—call it what you

will, next day. Some suffer for over-indulgence

more than others. There be so-called "seasoned

casks " who claim that no amount of debauchery

can affect them for the worse, as long as the