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When you first talked to

George Miller about

Max Max:

Fury Road

, what drew you

to the project and what

resonated with

you about your character,



Well, the whole thing was

pretty secret. There was a

script, but it was really just a

long storyboard. George and I

had several conversations, and he

communicated what he wanted to do

with Furiosa, I think, later on – not necessarily

even in this movie. So there was a lot of

backstory that he introduced me to, and a real

intrigue in what he wanted to do with the film,

which felt really honest. 

Every time you make a film with somebody,

there is this moment where you have to kind of

just jump off the cliff with them. But, in this case,

I feel like we were blindfolded, because there

was very little to go by, except for George as a

filmmaker, which is, I think, why we all signed up.

So, for me, what happened with Furiosa was

that there was a grain that was really thought out,

but the scenes were continuously developing

over the years as this project came together. And

I think it all happened for a reason, because, at

the end of the day, we ended up with a character

that I felt was very unique, and somewhat

brutally honest. It was interesting for me to play

in this world, in a genre where a character’s flaws

are celebrated.

Once you’d wrapped your mind around this

character, did you feel an ownership of her,

and did George welcome your collaboration? 

Yeah. I think I had ownership

because George allowed me to

have ownership,

you know? 

As an actor, you can’t just

kind of take it. I think it’s

really up to the filmmaker

to invite you into that, and

George is absolutely fantastic

and encouraging

of collaboration. 

I think he really wanted that for

all of us. For me as an actor, that’s

always very important. 

He just loves actors, and really loves the

process. I mean, we spent a lot of time sitting

down one-on-one, or with the group, and just

really talking. You can just see in his eyes when

something kind of sparks an interest. 

He grabs a lot of it, and that’s really nice, to

work with a director who values actors that


Can you talk about who Furiosa

is, where she starts out, and your

thoughts on the journey she takes

in the film?

Well, when you watch the movie,

you understand certain things about

her, but the film is so sparse, and

that’s the beauty of it because she

really is an enigma. She starts the film

in overdrive, helping or kidnapping –

we’re not quite sure – these brides of

a dictator, Immortan Joe. She basically

takes off in one of the trucks, and you

don’t quite know whether these girls can

trust her, or what she’s planning to do

with them. You notice that she’s looking a lot like

these Warboys chasing her, and that she’s got

an arm missing, and has a mechanical arm. She

looks like a boy, but she’s not. I think you can tell

that there’s a look of desperate revenge on her

face. And I loved all of that. 

Her journey starts off that way, and then,

obviously, gets derailed when she runs into Max,

and she all of a sudden is kind of captured by

him. But then, he’s also captured by her.  They’re

somewhat stuck with each other on this journey

to find hope – a journey of hope in a place where

there really is no hope.

But she’s this kind of rogue survivor; that’s

what she has always been. I think she’s lived a

life filled with waiting for the perfect moment

to grab her revenge. And I know, because of

George telling me, that she was kidnapped to

perform certain duties that she could not deliver

on, and thus she was discarded in quite a terrible

way. We don’t see any of that in the movie, but

I think she carries a lot of that emotion with

her – of being stolen and then discarded – and is

just trying to find a way to rectify that for herself,


Some members of this generation are going

to be meeting Mad Max for the first time in

this film, as played byTom Hardy. Can you talk

about working withTom and what you think

he brings to this role?

CharlizeTheron's character manages to upstage the titular

hero as the driving force of

Mad Max: Fury Road





