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How does Michonne feel about what Rick

did to save his son in Season Four?

Sometimes you have to have a brutal

response. Her man did not go to that extent for

her son. She has an understanding of what Rick

needed to do.

Where is Michonne in Season Five?

She is fully committed. These are the people

she chooses in this realm. She almost lost them,

and she felt that loss. She is not going to let that

happen again. The question is how does she

respond to various situations and circumstances

now that she is integrated into the group.



Where is Carol mentally at the start of Season Five?

The great thing about Carol is that she is prepared to do

anything. It’s coming to terms with the fact that this is the way

the world is. This is what you have to do now. She has come

to a place of courage to be able to do those tough things. It

comes from a place of caring.

What is it like to be shooting in the city?

They are going back to the place they were running away

from. I love all the different locations we have this season.  

What surprised you most last season?

Carol never expected that Tyreese would forgive her.

MICHAEL CUDLITZ, Sgt. Abraham Ford

Where is Glenn when we start

this season?

Where we left off last season is a very

good indicator of his disposition going forward. He

just went through the toughest test of faith. That

solidified a hope that this world can still be good,

that there is still something to fight for. There is

still humanity left in the world.



What are you most excited about with your

character, Glenn?

I’m excited to show other sides of Glenn. The first and

second seasons you got to see the light, brash side of him.

Then in the third and fourth seasons, we focused on his

growth and evolution. This season you get to see a well-

rounded, overall fully realised person.

What can you tell fans about Season Five?

It jumps off where we left off and keeps going at that

pace. The beauty of this show is the fact that it is a curve

ball at every circumstance, at any moment. You have to

watch closely.



How do you handle being on such

a heavy, serious show?

I have always preferred stuff that

makes me go to the core of the human

experience. In all my work, I have a

tendency to deal with the hardest and

most profound questions of humanity.

I like going into those questions. I think they

are important. And we have so much fun.

The role of Michonne is also very physical.

I like being exhausted as an artist. I come

from theatre. I want to be tapped out at the

end of the day. That means I gave Michonne

all I had.

Michonne is without her Katana.

Michonne is powerful beyond a weapon.

What has been one of the greatest

compliments a fan has told you?

That Michonne transcends race and gender.

That really touched me to hear that. That means

Michonne is getting rid of the categories a little

bit. It’s a beautifully multi-ethnic cast. Not just

my character, but many characters in this show

are transcending those categories. I love that.

How was the first day of


It’s happy smiles, high fives, and

back to work. Everybody is here,

too many. That’s never good.

What are you looking forward to

doing in the premiere episode?

I’m excited to get to the crazy action of it all.

This episode is very physical and action-packed.

It is a great welcome to the season. This one is

definitely a heavy hitter.

What did you think after you read

the premiere episode?

I think it is possibly one of the most

satisfying hours of television I’ve ever

read. There are so many moments where

you will have genuine excitement for

what is happening. Things you want to

happen, do happen; and things you can’t

believe happen, happen.

There are three alpha males – Rick, Daryl

and Abraham.

There is conflict everywhere.

Do we learn more about Abraham’s

backstory this season?

He is ex-Army like the comic book. The rest

may or may not be the same. There is a lot

going on under the surface of Abraham. What

that is... we will see as the series unfolds.

Do you worry that your character will be

killed off?

Everyone is here on borrowed time,


Is the comic book part of your


If we can be in touch with what is

going on in the comics, even if it is not

written in the script, there are elements

you can call upon. That is very satisfying

for the comic book readers. Robert

Kirkman created these characters. The

comics will always be a part of the

[television characters] in some way.

To be informed as you can from that

standpoint helps everyone have a much

richer experience.

What do you think makes


Walking Dead

so successful?

It is good storytelling. Ultimately, it

does not have to do with the walkers. It

has to do with people, how we structure

society, and what happens when social

norms and governments break down.

We are forced to deal with each other.

The Walking


ead :Season 5 is out Sept 2


