ESTRO 36 2017
Tumour samples were available from the BCON phase III
trial that randomised bladder cancer patients to
radiotherapy alone or with carbogen and nicotinamide
(CON). Gene expression was analysed in 152 BCON tumours
using Affymetrix Human 1.0 Exon arrays and used for
independent validation.
Published signatures performed inconsistently and tended
to do worse in bladder than prostate and sarcoma. A
bladder-specific signature was derived, which was
prognostic in an independent surgical cohort (n=408,
p=0.00274) and in BCON patients receiving radiotherapy
alone (n=75, hazard ratio [HR] for overall survival 2.80,
95% CI 1.48-5.32, p=0.0016). The signature also predicted
benefit from CON (n=76, HR 0.47, 95% CI 0.26-0.84,
p=0.011). Prognostic and predictive significance remained
after adjusting for clinicopathological variables. A
sarcoma signature was derived that was prognostic in
independent Affymetrix Plus2 (n=127; HR=3.44, 95% CI
1.73-6.84; p<0.001) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
RNAseq (n=246; HR=2.63, 95% CI 1.67-4.14; p<0.001)
validation cohorts. A prostate signature was prognostic in
TCGA (n=491; p<0.001) and an FFPE RNAseq (n=102;
p=0.014) validation cohorts. The prostate signature was
prognostic in the BCON radiotherapy arm (n=75; p=0.049)
and predicted benefit from addition of CON to
radiotherapy (p=0.019).
Tumour-type specific signatures outperform those derived
in other tumour types. Biomarker driven trials are now
required to test these signatures in a prospective setting.
Symposium: 4D imaging and tracked delivery
SP-0574 MLC tracking: from bench to bedside
M. Fast
The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden
NHS Foundation Trust, Joint Department of Physics,
London, United Kingdom
Dynamic multi-leaf collimator tracking is an emerging
form of real-time adaptive radiotherapy in which the
treatment beam is continuously reshaped according to the
target motion in beam’s-eye-view. By following the
regular or erratic motion of the treatment target, MLC
tracking ensures its dosimetric coverage. Prominent
examples for intra-fractional anatomy variations are
respiration and gastrointestinal motion. Through better
beam-target alignment and subsequent margin
reductions, MLC tracking is utilized to reduced the size of
the target volume. The reduction of dose to adjacent
healthy tissue in combination with complete target
coverage is especially relevant for highly conformal, hypo-
fractionated treatment protocols.
MLC tracking was first suggested in 2001 [1]. Since then,
MLC tracking has been demonstrated on linac platforms of
all major radiotherapy vendors: Elekta, Siemens and
Varian. Initially, the feasibility of MLC tracking was
established in phantom experiments and treatment
planning studies. Recently, first clinical implementation
trials have started in Sydney, Australia, designed to
demonstrate the safety and efficacy of tracked treatment
deliveries for prostate and lung cancer patients [2]. This
presentation will give a brief summary of past research
activities and derive conclusions with regards to clinical
One crucial consideration when translating MLC tracking
from the laboratory `bench’ to the clinical `bedside’ is
quality assurance. Traditional delivery QA approximates
the patient as a static object and relies on the planned
sequence of delivery control points. For MLC tracking,
these approximations are too simplistic. Crucially, the
interplay of patient and MLC motion is not known a-priori.
A task group (TG 264) assembled by the American
Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) is currently
developing guidelines on the “Safe clinical
implementation of MLC tracking in radiotherapy”. At the
same time, novel online QA tools are being developed in
order to accumulate dose in real-time during each
treatment fraction with the same dosimetric precision
achieved in clinical treatment planning systems [3]. This
presentation will summarise tracking QA requirements and
give preliminary recommendations for clinical
The efficacy of MLC tracking is limited by the spatial and
temporal resolution of the target localisation modality,
system lag times, and the mechanical performance of the
MLC. Current target localisation strategies rely on x-ray
imaging, often in combination with implanted radiopaque
markers, or implanted resonant circuits and their
detection with an electromagnetic antenna array. Less
invasive and non-ionizing target localisation relying on soft
tissue contrast, namely ultrasound imaging and MRI, are
increasingly being investigated as drivers for MLC tracking
deliveries. For tracked deliveries in the presence of a
strong magnetic field, the electron-return effect could
potentially introduce an additional challenge for the safe
delivery of treatment. A recent treatment planning study,
however, has confirmed the efficacy of MLC tracking on
the Elekta MR-linac prototype [4]. The suitability of the
treatment plan for MLC tracking is another important area
of investigation. As an example, this presentation will
provide a simple template for creating a treatment plan
suitable for a tracked lung SBRT delivery.
[1] Keall et al. Motion adaptive x-ray therapy: a feasibility
study. Phys Med Biol 2001;46:1-10.
[2] Keall et al. The first clinical implementation of
electromagnetic transponder-guided MLC tracking. Med
Phys 2014;41: 020702.
[3] Fast et al. Assessment of MLC tracking performance
during hypofractionated prostate radiotherapy using real-
time dose reconstruction. Phys Med Biol 2016; 61: 1546–
[4] Menten et al. Lung stereotactic body radiotherapy with
an MR-linac–Quantifying the impact of the magnetic field
and real-time tumor tracking. Radiother Oncol
SP-0575 Motions models and tracking using MR
R. Tijssen
UMC Utrecht, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Image guidance plays an important role in modern
radiotherapy. Current x-ray based onboard imaging,
however, has poor soft-tissue contrast, which challenges
image guidance of mobile tumors. Particularly in
abdominal regions, tumor visualization is virtually
By utilizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for
radiation guidance, tumor and organs-at-risks (OAR) can
be directly visualized and targeting can be improved. This
has been the philosophy behind the development of the
MRI-Linac (MRL). An MRI based workflow has the potential
to shape the radiotherapy paradigm of the future: an
online adaptive treatment in which positional
uncertainties are mitigated and the deposited dose can be
tracked in real-time making dose escalation possible while
sparing healthy tissue.
In order to facilitate this new paradigm, fast MRI
acquisition and processing methods are needed that
accurately map the motion within the entire irradiated
volume with sufficient temporal and spatial resolution.
Respiratory motion models compliment real-time imaging
in two ways: 1) motion prediction models overcome the
inherent latency in tracked delivery associated with the
real-time feedback loop, and 2) motion estimation models