ESTRO 36 2017
fractions were produced using four techniques: 3D-
conformal radiotherapy (CRT) wide-tangents (WT),
volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) using a 'bow-tie'
approach, Tomotherapy (FB only) and proton beam
therapy (PBT). PBT planning incorporated a novel
approach to robustness optimisation to improve
comparability of proton and photon plans. The Wilcoxon-
ranked sum (5% significance level) and Friedman tests
(2.5% significance level to account for multiple
comparisons) were used to compare dose metrics achieved
by the different planning solutions.
For most patients heart and lung doses can be minimised
using a simple breath hold and wide tangent 3DCRT
technique. Arc therapies were more successful in
delivering higher dose to a greater proportion of the IMC,
especially when combined with breath hold. Proton
therapy offers excellent coverage with low OAR dose but
is unlikely to be necessary in the majority of patients in
whom acceptable plans can be produced using simple
photon techniques.
PO-0843 volumetric-modulated Dynamic WaveArc
therapy reduces the doses to the hippocampus
M. Uto
, T. Mizowaki
, K. Ogura
, Y. Miyabe
, M.
, N. Mukumoto
, H. Hirashima
, M. Hiraoka
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Radiation
Oncology and Image-Applied Therapy, Kyoto, Japan
Purpose or Objective
Sparing the hippocampus seems to be important for
patients with brain tumors to preserve their cognitive
function. Vero4DRT (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.,
Tokyo, Japan, and Brainlab, Feldkirchen, Germany) has a
unique design, in which the gantry is mounted in the O-
ring structure. The gantry and the O-ring can rotate at the
same time, and it allows to use safe sequential
noncoplanar volumetric-modulated trajectories, termed
as volumetric-modulated Dynamic WaveArc therapy
(VMDWAT), without a couch rotation. Since VMDWAT
appears to reduce the doses to the hippocampus in
craniopharyngiomas, we performed a planning study to
compare the dose distribution of volumetric-modulated
arc therapy using only a coplanar arc (coVMAT) and
Material and Methods
Thirty patients were included in this study (15/15 patients
respectively). Contouring and treatment planning were
performed using the RayStation version 7.4 (RaySearch
Laboratories, Stockholm, Sweden). The Collapsed Cone
calculation version 3.1 algorithm was employed. All plans
were created using one arc. The prescription dose was
52.2 Gy in 29 fractions, and 99% of each PTV was covered
by 90% of the prescribed dose. Optimization was
performed to maximally reduce the doses to the
hippocampus. The two plans were compared in terms of
target homogeneity, target conformity, treatment time,
the doses to the hippocampus, and the irradiated volume
of normal brain. The treatment time was defined as the
The mean equivalent doses in 2-Gy fractions to 40%
(EQD40%) of the volumes of the bilateral hippocampus
were for 9.90/5.31 Gy for coVMAT/VMDWAT, respectively.
The EQD40% for VMWAT were < 7.3 Gy, which is the
threshold predicting cognitive impairment, as defined by
Gondi et al., and were significantly lower than those for
coVMAT. The mean equivalent doses in 2-Gy fractions to
2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 98 % (EQD2-98%) of the volumes of
the bilateral hippocampus was also significantly lower
than those of coVMAT. VMDWAT also significantly reduced
the EQD40% and EQD2-98% of the left hippocampus. While
the normal brain volume receiving 5 Gy (V5) was
significantly larger in VMDWAT, as compared to coVMAT,
the normal brain volume receiving 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45, and 50 Gy (V10–50) was significantly smaller in
VMDWAT. The conformity and homogeneity indices were
significantly better in VMDWAT. The mean treatment time
of VMDWAT was significantly longer than that of to
VMDWAT (67.1/70.1 seconds in coVMAT/VMDWAT,
VMDWAT significantly reduced the doses to the bilateral
and left hippocampus compared to coVMAT. The target
conformity and homogeneity were significantly better in
VMDWAT. Although the treatment time and V5 of the
normal brain was increased in VMDWAT, V10–50 of the
normal brain was significantly decreased in VMDWAT.
VMDWAT could be a promising treatment technique for
pituitary adenomas and craniopharyngiomas.