ESTRO 36 2017
optimisation technique. For method (3) first the source
image that is most similar to the current test image is
selected. Then the source image is warped to the test
image using an intensity driven B-spline registration. The
last method, (4), uses image features (FAST/SIFT) to
match distinct points of source and test images. The best
source image is determined by the shortest mean
descriptor distance. Residual misalignment is corrected
for by a non-rigid transformation according to
displacement vectors between matched features. All
registration based methods (1,3,4) propagate contours
according to the corresponding transformations.
Fig. 2 shows the averaged Dice coefficient and centroid
distance, their standard deviation, and minimum /
maximum value of the 5
percentile of all cases after
auto-contouring (1-4). Cases (w) and (b) represent the
worst and best result, respectively, if only a single contour
is propagated without considering motion. All methods
improve the mean Dice overlap and centroid distance.
Methods (1) and (3) achieve the best mean Dice score of
0.93 and a minimum 5
percentile of 0.86 and 0.88
respectively. Method (2) produces the lowest mean
centroid distance of 1.3mm, while maximum 95th
percentile values range between 4.4mm (3) and 5.0mm
(4). Training of the PCNN takes about 1 min based on 100
initialisation points and 20 iterations and the mean
contouring times per image are (1) 1ms, (2) 24ms, (3)
518ms, and (4) 144ms.
Despite its simplicity multi-template matching (1)
produces good results with low computational cost.
Although, more sophisticated approaches (2,3,4) can
handle unseen deformations, such flexibility - potentially
required for longer image acquisitions or treatments -
comes at the cost of robustness (2,4) or computational
load (3).
OC-0156 Automated reference-free local error
assessment in clinical multimodal deformable image
M. Nix
, R. Speight
, R. Prestwich
St James' Institute of Oncology, Radiotherapy Physics,
Leeds, United Kingdom
St James' Institute of Oncology, Clinical Oncology,
Leeds, United Kingdom
Purpose or Objective
Multimodal deformable image registration (MM-DIR), for
MR-CT fusion in RT planning, is a difficult problem.
Algorithms in commercial applications can leave
significant residual errors and performance can vary
considerably through a 3D image set. Currently, quality
assessment relies on clinical judgement or time-
consuming landmarking approaches for quantitative
comparison. Due to the variability of MM-DIR performance,
a pre-clinical commissioning approach cannot be relied
upon to quality assure clinical performance. The primary
objective was to develop and validate an automated
method for localised error assessment of clinical
multimodal deformable image registrations, without
reference data. This should aid clinical judgement of
registration reliability across the volumetric data and
hence increase clinical confidence in MM-DIR fusion for RT
Material and Methods
A computational method for determining the local
reliability of a given clinical registration has been
developed. Two registration assessment algorithms, using
blockwise mutual information (BMI) and pseudo-modal
cross correlation (pmCC) respectively, have been
implemented and compared. Error information is
presented as a quantitative 3D ‘iso-error’ map, showing
areas of a registered dataset where errors are greater than
a certain magnitude and may not be reliable, e.g. for
contouring tumour or organ at risk volumes. The
developed software was validated using a ‘gold-standard’
rigidly-registered image set, derived from immobilised
MR, registered to immobilised CT, which was deformed
with known rotations, translations and more complex
deformation fields. Detected and applied errors were
compared across the dataset. Mean errors within the GTVs
of 14 head and neck MR-CT registrations were analysed
using the BMI method and used to identify cases where the
registration may be clinically unacceptable.
Both algorithms consistently detected applied errors
larger than 2 mm. Errors detected using the BMI method,
following intentional rotation of gold-standard pre-
registered clinical MR data, were strongly correlated with
applied errors, in magnitude and direction (Pearson’s r >