ESTRO 36 2017
posture at the linac is slightly in better
agreement with the posture at the CT for
absolute couch positioning.
On the ML images, a residual deviation in lung
wall position of 5 mm or more was present for
5.1% of the fractions for relative couch
positioning and for 2.7% for absolute couch
positioning. This also implies a slightly improved
patient setup using absolute couch positioning.
The patient posture as well as patient setup for breast
cancer patients is slightly improved using the predicted,
or absolute, couch position.
W.J. de Kruijf, R.J. Martens, Reducing patient posture
variability using the predicted couch position. Med.
Dosim, 40:218-21; 2015.
EP-1656 The inter-fraction variation of the
supraclavicular- and the axilla-area in breast cancer
S. Gerrets
, L. Kroon- van der
, M. Buijs
, P. Remeijer
Netherlands Cancer Institute Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Hospital, Radiotherapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Purpose or Objective
Currently a volumetric modulated arc technique (VMAT)
for whole breast irradiation, including the supraclavicular-
and axilla-area is being implemented at our institute. In
contrast to our currently used tangential fields, VMAT
requires a CTV and PTV with corresponding margins. From
our clinical experience we know that the setup of the
shoulder can be very challenging..The purpose of this
study was to quantify the inter-fractional variation of the
supraclavicular- and the axilla-area in order to quantify
CTV to PTV margins.
Material and Methods
So far 6 right sided and 6 left sided breast cancer patients,
were randomly selected in this ongoing study. Patients
were positioned on a Macromedics MBLXI breastboard with
upper- and lower- arm trays. During the acquisition of the
planning CT skin marks were drawn extended to the
humerus to improve reproducibility of the arm positioning.
Setup verification and correction was performed based on
bony anatomy registration (ribs and sternum) using Cone
beam CT and an offline shrinking action level (SAL)
protocol. Retrospectively, the residual inter-fraction
errors of the supraclavicular area and the axilla were
measured by performing bony anatomy registrations using
a rectangular region of interest representative for these
areas/regions (see Figure 1 'Region of interest”), and
determining their difference from the registration on ribs
and sternum. From these residual errors, the random and
systematic errors were computed and corrected for the
use of a SAL protocol (N=3 and α=9mm). Using previously
determined setup data from Topolnjak et al [1],
Subsequently, the CTV to PTV margins were determined
according to the standard margin recipe: 2.5∑+0.7σ.
In total 88 Cone beam CT were analyzed; 5-10 scans per
patient. Computed residual errors for the supraclavicular
region and axilla region are shown in Table 1.The random
and systematic residual errors for the axilla regions are
larger than the supraclavicular region, as expected.
Notable is the small residual error for supraclavicular in
LR-direction. The total margins are 0.59cm LR, 0.76cm CC
and 0.81cm AP for the supraclavicular region and 0.84cm
LR, 0.89cm CC and 0.98cm AP for axilla region.
For the introduction of a VMAT planning technique for
breast and axilla irradiation specific PTV margins adapted
for supraclavicular and axilla inter-fraction motion need
to be introduced.
Topolnjak, et al, IJROBP, Volume 78, Issue 4, 15
November 2010, Pages 1235–1243
EP-1657 Clinical use of transit dosimetry to analyze
inter-fraction motion errors
F. Ebrahimi Tazehmahalleh
, C. Moustakis
, U.
, H.T. Eich
Universitaetsklinikum Muenster, Klinik fuer
Strahlentherapie, Münster, Germany
Purpose or Objective
The aim of this work was to inquire the correlation
between the target and organ at risks motions and volume
discrepancy with the dosimetric variations at hospital
levels. The high resolution, large active area, and
effectiveness of the Electronic portal imaging devices
offers it to be used for in vivo dosimetry during radiation
therapy as an additional dose delivery check. The transit
dosimetry has the potential of testifying dose delivery, the
accuracy of MLC leaf positioning and the calculation of
dose to a patient or phantom.
Material and Methods
In total 42 patients with stereotactic plans were
evaluated. Delivery was carried out on a Varian TrueBeam
linac equipped with an aS1000 EPID. Continuous portal
imaging was performed at each treatment fraction during
the delivery of treatment for all beams. To validate the
method, we executed treatment plans on a commercial
respiratory motion phantom containing plastic spheres as
target. Phantom CT scans were made in different phases.
First phase were done by applying sinusoidal breathing
cycle in different motion amplitudes (-20, -10, 0, 10, 20
mm) in superior/inferior direction and second phase was
done by pre-defined breathing simulation with a short
pause after exhalation in oscillation mode. Three
techniques: 3D-CRT, IMRT and VMAT-SBRT were generated
and on board transit dose was collected by EPID during the
treatment. The daily obtained portal image were
compared with the reference image using the gamma
evaluation method with criterion 2% dose difference and
2 mm distance to agreement (DTA) criteria with a
threshold value of 5% of maximum value.
The area gamma passing rate per arc in most of the plans
was higher than the acceptable limit but in some arcs it
had lower agreement, the lowest value was 3.7%. Besides
irradiating phantom in planned respiratory motion, we re-
irradiated the same plans due to displacement of the
target by stopping the movement or changing the
breathing speed. Gamma parameters such as maximum
gamma, average gamma, and percentage of the field area
with a gamma value>1.0 were analyzed. For all the VMAT
arcs in phantom measurements, the gamma evaluations
were within the tolerance limits (γmax = 3.5, γavg = 0.5
and γ% >1 = 2%) tough in some measurement 20 mm target
displacement was applied. For IMRT fields, measurements
were not in good agreement in different tumor motion.
3DCRT fields showed poorest gamma agreement in portal
dosimetry analysis.
This research increases the need of a tool for monitoring
inter-fraction errors by confirming the tumor position
within the treatment field over the course of therapy.
Using daily EPID images over the course of treatment could
potentially provide accurate verification of dose delivery
to heterogeneous anatomical regions in patients receiving
3D-CRT and IMRT radiation therapy treatments. However,
further studies are required to assess 3D IN VIVO dose