other women learn to give and receive the
gratitude that comes with making an unde-
niable difference in the world.
As she closed, Holderman reminded the
audience of a quotation of the legendary
former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright, who said, “Remember, there is a
place in hell for women who do not help
other women.” The audience gave Holder-
man a resounding standing ovation.
continued from page 53
password with your client/recipient then
the user will receive an email with a system
generated password, then another email
with a PDF attachment. The PDF attach-
ment contains the text of the encrypted
email you sent and the user will need to
have the password from the previous email
to open it. The recipient opens the PDF
and can click on “secure reply–click here”
to respond via the same encryption process.
Fortunately all these emails to the recipient
have clear instructions, but it would prob-
ably be best to establish a password with
a client in advance for ease of use. Also,
between all the read receipts, instructions,
email attachments, the system generates
quite a number of emails. You can adjust
your settings to reduce the messages.
Citrix ShareFile
also has a tight integration with MS Out-
look which provides email encryption as
well as the usual “attach file” functionality
found in competitors. This functionality
comes with Business plans, which starts at
five employee accounts.
The configuration of the Ribbon tool is
extensive, offering options for attachment
policies, how links are inserted, and sharing
options. All the defaults can be over-ridden
if necessary.
To encrypt an email simply set up a new
message or respond to a message and click
on the Sharefile icon on the far left to turn
encryption on. The Send icon will now
read “Send Secure”. You can configure the
encryption to require that the recipient log
into ShareFile (by creating a free account)
or only require the recipient enter a name
and email address (not recommended).
You can also get a read receipt (not the
Microsoft kind that requires the recipient
to agree) and expire the email and attached
files if desired. This encrypts the body of
the email as well as any attachments.
One nifty thing about sending the
email encrypted from MS Outlook with
ShareFile is that your ShareFile online
folder has an inbox that shows your
encrypted emails and any responses, since
the recipient can respond via encrypted
message as well by clicking on a link built
into the original message.
If you use the ShareFile sharing tools
in the Ribbon group you may not need
to encrypt the email itself, as the “attach
files” will put the files into ShareFile and
provide the recipient a link. The files are
encrypted in your ShareFile account. The
Ribbon tools include “attach files”–to send
a link to a file directly from ShareFile or
sent to ShareFile from your local drives,
“convert attachments”–which adds any
forwarded attachments to ShareFile and
sends a link, or “request files”–which adds
a link to your outgoing message so that the
recipient can click on it to securely send
you a file through ShareFile.
Do a Test Run
Obviously these are but a few of the
options available, and you should examine
your work flow and habits, what platform
and programs you use to send email, and
Lake Michigan Luxury Home for Sale. 5658 & 5652 Cedar Beach Lane, Belgium, WI. Feel like you are on vacation Oceanside. 30
minutesnorthofMilwaukee,stepsfromHarringtonBeachStatePark. Uniquecurrentswarmstheshallowwater,greatforswimming.
115 feet of sandy frontage on 2 adjacent lots. Main home: two story cape cod, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bath, sun porch, fully updated
kitchen, laundry on main, full basement, 2.5 car garage, patio, view of the Lake from every room. 2nd home: cottage with great
remodel opportunity, 2 car garage. Buy both and get 4.5 garage spaces, and update the cottage as a guest house, or tear it down
and build an addition on the main home. Or, buy either separately. Price: Cottage separately with 60’frontage and 2 car garage
$199,000. Mainhomeseparatelywith55’frontageand2.5cargarage-$$649,000,ORbothhomesatthepackagepriceof$749,000.
Contact the owner, DebraTuttle, for photos, specs, and to set up a showing:
Debra@mediatemilwaukee.com, or cell: 262-613-1627.
test a few options with your staff or an
unsuspecting family member to make sure
everything works the way you expect it
to. That said, the above email encryption
options are easy to use for the sender and
recipient, and offer a much better level of
security, privacy, and confidentiality than
an unencrypted email.
AFW Awards Luncheon
continued from page 18