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Volume 12, Number 1 2010


fundamental frequency and voice intensity in 30 patients with

Parkinson’s disease were noted after just a single session of

rTMS (Dias et al., 2006). Ingham, Fox, Ingham, Collins, and

Pridgen (2000) delivered slow rTMS (1Hz) to the right

supplementary motor area (SMA) of five persons who

stuttered for 20 minutes per day for 10 consecutive days to

reduce the SMA overactivation that was observed by

neuroimaging. One of the persons who stuttered showed a

reduction in stuttering approximately one month following the

TMS program, with this reduction sustained for at least five

months. No behavioural changes were noted for the

remaining persons who stuttered.

Limitations of TMS and

methodological considerations

There are a number of limitations of TMS and methodological

considerations that need to be considered when planning a

TMS study. First, the magnetic field generated by TMS

stimulates to a depth of only approximately 2cm below the

cortical surface (George et al., 1999) limiting the brain

regions that can be stimulated to those on the cortical

surface, rather than deep brain structures. Second, TMS

typically indirectly stimulates pyramidal neurons as it

preferentially stimulates those neurons that are parallel to the

cortical surface. These preferentially stimulated neurons are

believed to be mostly interneurons, which indirectly and

trans-synaptically activate the pyramidal neurons (Pascual-

Leone et al., 1998). Thirdly, MEP recordings need to be

made from stationary muscles and, hence, speech tasks

cannot be utilised. Tasks that require participants to imagine

speaking could be utilised instead, however, as

neuroimaging has shown that brain activations during

imagined speech resemble those during overt speech

(Ingham et al., 2000). Finally, the optimal TMS parameter

combinations to be used for neuromodulatory treatment (i.e.,

frequency and number of TMS pulses and sessions) are not

yet well understood and require further study.


The present review illustrates how TMS can be used as an

adjunct to neuroimaging and other neurophysiological

techniques to investigate potential neural disturbances

underlying motor speech disorders. By using TMS in future

studies of motor speech disorders it is anticipated that not

only will our understanding of the neurophysiological

underpinnings be better informed, but the options and

efficacy of treatment that can be offered will also improve.


Dias, A.E., Barbosa, E. R., Coracini, K., Maia, F., Marcolin,

M. A., & Fregni, F. (2006). Effects of repetitive transcranial

magnetic stimulation on voice and speech in Parkinson’s


Acta Neurologica Scandinavica



, 92–99.

Fadiga. L, Craighero, L., Buccino, G., & Rizzolatti,

G. (2002). Speech listening specifically modulates the

excitability of tongue muscles: A TMS study.


Journal of Neuroscience



, 399–402.

George, M. S., Lisanby, S. H., & Sackeim, H. A.

(1999). Transcranial magnetic stimulation: Applications in


Archives of General Psychiatry

, 56(4),


Hallett, M. (2000). Transcranial magnetic stimualation and

the human brain.




, 147–150.

Paired-pulse TMS involves delivering a subthreshold

conditioning TMS pulse that activates cortical neurons but

that is too small to result in any descending spinal cord

activation, followed by a second, test pulse (Hallett, 2000).

The stimulus intensity and the interstimulus interval between

conditioning and test pulses appear to affect which

intracortical circuits are activated (i.e., facilitatory or

inhibitory), which, in turn, affects the MEP amplitudes

recorded following the test stimulus (Kobayashi & Pascual-

Leone, 2003). Typically, interstimulus intervals of less than

4ms induce inhibition, while interstimulus intervals of 5ms to

30ms induce facilitation (George et al., 1999; Kobayashi &

Pascual-Leone, 2003). Electromyographic silent periods refer

to the period in which EMG activity is suppressed in a

voluntarily contracted muscle following suprathreshold TMS

stimulation. The initial portion of the silent period is believed

to be due in part to spinal cord refractoriness, with the latter

portion due to cortical inhibition (Hallett, 2000).

Intracortical inhibition and facilitation of the tongue

motor cortex has been studied using cortical silent periods

(Katayama et al., 2001) and paired-pulse TMS (Muellbacher

et al., 2001). Sommer, Wischer, Teragau, and Paulus (2003)

used single pulse and paired-pulse TMS to investigate

excitability and intracortical inhibition and facilitation of the

dominant hand motor cortex in a group of 18 right-handed

speakers with developmental stuttering. Their study was

driven by a proposal that persistent developmental stuttering

is a task-specific dystonia characterised by reduced

intracortical inhibition. Interestingly, intracortical inhibition and

facilitation were found to be normal, while motor thresholds

were increased, suggestive of reduced motor cortical


Inducing neuromodulation

Repetitive TMS (rTMS) involves delivering trains of TMS

pulses (

1 Hz or equal to or greater than one per second),

which summate to effect temporary neural modulation. This

modulation can comprise inhibition or facilitation of cortical

excitability depending on stimulation intensity, frequency, and

duration (Pascual-Leone et al., 1998). Slow rTMS in the 1Hz

frequency range has been found to transiently decrease

excitability, while rapid rTMS, at frequencies of 5Hz and

higher, looks to transiently increase excitability (Hallett, 2000;

Kobayasi & Pascual-Leone, 2003). In addition to

investigating behavioural effects (e.g., reduction or increase

in stuttering) induced by TMS neuromodulation, rTMS can

also be used to temporally disrupt neural activity, thereby

creating a temporary virtual lesion, to evaluate a cortical

region’s function (Hallett, 2000).

TMS applications in motor

speech treatment

The application of TMS in the treatment of motor speech

disorders is a growing, yet at present, a limited and under-

developed field. Treatment protocols have involved the use

of rTMS on the basis of its capability in effecting

neuromodulation and have been found to be successful in

regulating cortical function and normalising the balance of

inter-hemispheric excitability with resultant changes in

behaviour in a range of disorders, including depression (e.g.,

Pascual-Leone, Rubio, Pallardo, & Catalá, 1996), motor

dysfunction and aphasia associated with stroke (e.g., Martin

et al., 2004), and motor and vocal function in Parkinson’s

disease (e.g., Dias et al., 2006). Significant improvements in