IPA Leicestershire –
Snowdrop Walk
in the grounds of Launde Abbey
Fred Rankin
, Publicity Officer
Launde Abbey is a stunning Christian Retreat
House and Conference Centre in the heart of
England. It is offered to the whole church and
the wider community through the generous
support of the Church of England Dioceses of
Leicester and Peterborough, and every year
welcomes thousands of visitors to a unique
experience of warm hospitality and deep
York Races
Iain Sirrell
Our annual Regional outing to York Races was a huge success again this year. Such was the interest that
it was necessary to merge two executive boxes at York Racecourse to accommodate us all. The views were
just as spectacular as they were at last year’s event, enabling one of the group to watch his five winners
romp home!!
It was a great social opportunity and a chance for members and their
partners to attend in style and without fear of the occasional soaking
from the occasional heavy shower. The event hosted members from
Ludwigsburg in Germany attending as guests of the Region. This was the
first trip to a racing event for many of them, yet they soon got to grips with
the betting and managed a number of winners. They were encouraged
by the successes displayed by Chris Charlton [Scarborough Branch] who
managed to get excited by at least one 50p each-way bet. Iain Sirrell
[3 Region Chair] who organised the event, even had time to plan in some
team betting events for some added excitement.
Unfortunately, the size of the boxes limited numbers able to attend.
However, a repeat booking has already been welcomed by the Racecourse.
For those thinking of attending next year, here is some testimony from
those able to attend.
‘Just returned from incredible weekend at York Races courtesy of 3 Region
IPA: we hadn’t been to an IPA event before but it was such a great bunch
of folks and such a fantastic day we will certainly look out for more! Book
us in for next year’s box please! Thank you to everyone.’
The Lewis
(60th Birthday) Party.
Another huge success. We had a great afternoon.’
The Browns of York
‘Just a quick email to say thank you for organising the Race Day at York.
It wasn’t very beneficial to us ‘financially’, but it was in other ways, as we
met some lovely people and had a great day.’
The Chafer party
Originally an Augustinian priory which was built between 1119
and 1125 by Richard Bassett, at the Dissolution it passed to
Thomas Cromwell, who built a mansion on the ruins.
Set in beautiful parkland of 450 acres on the borders of
Leicestershire and Rutland, the Abbey is well known for its
abundance of snowdrops and other early spring plants.
Members of IPA Leicestershire Branch enjoyed a crisp, sunny
winter’s afternoon walk following the waymarked trail around
the grounds, followed by a welcome tea and scone afterwards.
At various locations around the trail are a variety of crosses
made out of different materials and designs.
IPA News
Vol 61 No. 3, 2016