If frozen cliampagnc is desired, put the bottle
in an ice cooler, and then fdl the cooler to the top
with cracked ice and rock salt. Then revolve the
bottle as rapidly as possible. After nianipidating in
this manner for a few minutes remove the cork and
cover the mouth of the bottle with a clean napkin,
as wine will freeze mueh more rapidly if the cork
is removed. This is sometimes c.dled champagne
In the event of selling an untisual quantity of
champagne, it would be a go(Kl idea to have an extra
ice-box made, to be devoted entirely to wine. It is
a difficidt matter to keep wine cold enough in the
ordinary ice-box, wbich is being open from time to
time, and champagne, to be served properly, should
be very near the freezing point. Ice may be kept a
long while in a box of tbis kind by the use of rock
salt, and another and very important consideration
is that when the wine is kept at an even temperature
it always keeps its full flavor.