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Tom and Jerry.

Use punch-howl {or the mixture.

Twelve fresh eggs.

Half small bar glass Jamaica rum.

One and a half tablespoonfuls ground cinnamon

Half teaspoonful ground cloves.

Half teaspoonful ground allspice.

Sufficient fine white sugar.

Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and

the yolks until they are as thin as water, then nii.x

together and add the spice and rum; stir up thor

oughly, and thicken witn sugar until the mixture

attains the consistence of a light batter.

To Serve Tom and Jerry.

Use mug.

Two tablespoonfuls of the batter.

One wine-glass brandy.

One pony glass Jamaica rum.

Fill with hot water or hot milk; stir well; pour

from one mug to another several times, grate nut

meg on top and serve.

Rock and Rye.

Use whiskey glass.

Use only the best rock candy and the best ryg


Put one-half tablespoonful rock candy syrup

into the glass and allow customer to serve himself

with whiskey; a few drops of lemon juice may be
