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Always bear in mind that first impressions count

for a very great deal and when you are looking for

a position don t go dressed like a song and dance

man, or a jeweler with all of his slock on exhibi

tion. Dress neat, don't say too much, and what

\ou do say make it to the point; don't be too famil

iar, and after you have said briefly what you have

to say, wait and give the man from whom you ex

pect employment a chance to do some talking. Have

good recommendations with you, if possible, or, at

least, be able to prove by references that you are

reliable and capable. In entering an office or restau

rant, it is proper to take off your hat, and, especially,

while talking to the proprietor—a much-neglected act

of courtesy. Many people believe that they lower

themselves by lifting their hats, but this js a mis

taken opinion, as it is only a matter of etiquette,

and shows proper respect. When the proprietor is

a gentleman, you will find he will do the same, even