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Many men have many ideas in regard to a proper

and efficient check system, one that will be quick

and correct, and the saloon man of to-day who does

not adopt one of the many now in use is not a busi

ness man.

There should be some system in every well regu

lated establishment. For one or two barkeepers one

cash register will suffice, and answer all purposes,

but where there are many, and they are kept busy

each should have his own register, in order that the

receipts from individual sales may be kept separate.

The reason for this is obvious.

It will undoubtedly be found convenient, if the

business warrants it, to have a cashier in addition

to the cash registers, then the man behind the bar

lias only to make out the amount and there his

responsibility ends. The cashier sees that the check

is paid, and that the customer gets his correct

change, and the work of the barman is greatly

facilitated, and he can srive his entire time and at-