House Gauge
This gauge is useful for an overall analysis
of your business - helping to create a
balanced business. How much time do you
spend in each room? What areas could
you improve upon?
Monthly Sales Report
Fill this in every day for a quick and easy
way to record your actual sales each day.
It also highlights the margin you get as
a Member. It’s great to see where any
patterns are generated and from which
Business Method.
Daily number of invitations to
meetings/events and attendance
This form will help you review how many
invitations you need to make in order to get
new Members. Fill this in every day, then at
the end of the month you can see clearly
how many invitations you need to make on
average to get one new Member.
Monthly Total Earnings Report
Using this gauge will help you see how
your income is generated so you can see
the growth of your business over time.
Update it monthly, including all of your
areas of earnings.
Monthly Profits and Costs Report
Fill this out monthly. This gauge is
important as it tracks your spending
each month – make sure you keep a
note of what you spend every day so
you can get a realistic overview at the
end of the month.
Daily number of invitations,
presentations and referrals
This form will help you review how many
invitations you need to make in order to get
new customers. Fill this in every day and at
the end of the month you can see clearly
how many invitations you need to make on
average to get a new customer.
Time to Take Action!
Attend as many of your Sponsor's Business Method
meetings as possible, to learn and gain the confidence to
run your own.
Set your goals.
Start organising a Grand Opening Party/Shake Party to let
friends and family know all about your new exciting
Herbalife Business.
Use social media – Start building your online community.
This is a great way to attract potential customers, find new
and form closer relationships with your existing customers;
eventually converting them to loyal customers and
Tracking your customers – put something in place now to
help you successfully track your customers. This will help
with the all important FOLLOW UP.
Ask your customers for referrals.
Download the gauge forms on
MyHerbalife.comso you can
track your business performance and cash flow.