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Committee on Statistics

(Terms of Reference Comments)

July 7, 2017

5 Qian Graves

II. Committee

a. Composition




Current ToR: “With no maximum term limitation.' Newer Version:”Section II, line 18:

Proposed change: “Maximum 6 years.”

Comment: Not recommending this change. Reason: Due to the volunteer nature of the

committee, and the fact that it takes years for a member to learn and to become productive; this

change will interrupt the smoothness of running and operation of the committee. Right now

about 70%-80% current committee members are on the committee for over 6 years so if we

enforce this change, we will lose majority of the valuable and experienced committee members.

Suggestions: a). keep the “With no maximum term limitation” Or: b). effective after annual

meeting in 2017, counting 6 years after the date (not retrospective), allow members serving up

to 6 years forward starting Sept 29, 2017.

6 Wolfhard


II. Committee

a. Composition

“The Ccommittee shall be comprised of a maximum of 18 members including the Chair,

of which 9 are voting (Full Members) the rest non-voting (Associate Members). The

President of AOAC on the recommendation of the OMB shall appoint all members to the

Committee (Full and Associate) for a three-year term. The term begins and ends with

the AOAC Annual Business Meeting. All Members on the recommendation of the Chair

can be reappointed by the President of AOAC for a second may serve a maximum of two

consecutive three-year terms as a Member, further terms require additionally the

consent of unless the Official Methods Board approves reappointment with rationale.

The Cchair is initially appointed for one a three-year term and may serve one additional

three-year term if reappointment by the President of AOAC is approved with rationale

by the Official Methods Board and the President of AOAC.”

There is no clear procedure on appointments and reappointments. It is not clear how the second

term is initiated and an approval of a reappointment is not the same as the reappointment itself.

7 Wolfhard


II. Committee b. Full Members


“The Chair nominates with rationale members to be Full (voting) Members of the

Committee to the Official Methods Board that can issue a recommendation to the

President of AOAC for appointment. If a Full Member is unable to attend a Committee

Meeting, he/she may ask an Associate Member to serve as a Proxy in her/his absence. If

a Full Member fails to participate in 3 or more consecutive meetings of the Committee,

the Chair may petition (to whom ??) to transfer that Member to associate status only

due to non-participation in Committee Meetings. Once a Full Member is removed as a

voting member, the Chair will promptly nominate with rationale a replacement from the

pool of Associate Members to the Official Methods Board for approval.”

The procedure outlined here for appointments clearly contradict II.a. And if the Chair does

something “at its pleasure” it is unreasonable to expect for the OMB then to come up with a

rationale for the Chair´s move.

8 Wolfhard


II. Committee

c. Associate



“Associate Members will have all the same duties and responsibilities of a Full Member

except for voting. “

It is not very clear why the eligibility to become a Full Member is stated in a paragraph for

Associate Members. And if the Chair “nominates with rationale” then an obligatory waiting

period is superfluous. Whether there will be an appointment is anyway subject to the

recommendation of OMB and to the move of the President of AOAC.