g a z e t t e
a p r i l 1991
Pract ice
Derelict Sites Act 1990
Practitioners should be aware of ;
the Derelict Sites Act 1990 which
came into effect on the 27th of
June 1990.
The Act provides a definition of
a "derelict site" and imposes a
general duty upon the owner or
occupier of any land to take all
reasonable steps to ensure that the
land does not become or continue
to be "a derelict site".
The Act goes on to provide that
within one year after its com-
mencement all local authorities
shall compile and maintain a reg-
ister of all derelict sites within their
area. This register shall contain cer-
tain particulars of each derelict site
such as the name of the owner or
occupier (if they can be located),
the exact location of the site, its
market value and any action which
the authority has envisaged in
relation to it. Once such an entry is
made in the register the owner or
the occupier of the land shall be
notified. The local authority may
then serve a notice upon the owner
or occupier of the derelict site
obliging him to take whatever
action is thought necessary in
relation to it.
Among the powers given to local
authorities under the Act is the
power to enter upon land for the
purposes of determining whether it
should be entered on the register
of Derelict Sites, and power to
compuslorily acquire any derelict
Local authorities are obliged to
levy and collect a charge to be
known as a "derelict sites levy"
from the owner of all derelict sites
within their area. The Act provides
that this levy, and interest on it,
shall be a charge on the land to
which it relates.
Once land which is entered on
the Register of Derelict Sites is
transferred from one person to
another it shall be the duty of both
transferor and transferee to notify
the authority of the change of
ownership within 4 weeks of it tak-
ing place. In the case of a trans-
mission on death it shall be the
duty of the person acquiring the
land to notify the authority within
6 months of the transfer, and the
duty of the personal representative
to notify it within 2 months of the
Grant of Representation issuing.
Practitioners acting for Pur-
^~chasers of any lands capable of or
likely to be affected by the Act
should raise a Requisition on Title
as to whether the lands are entered
in the Register of Derelict Sites and,
if so, should seek evidence as to
the requirements of the local
authority in relation to the lands,
^nd evidence of the payment of any
Dérelict Sites Levies.
Conveyancing Committee
Criminal Lawyers
The Criminal Lawyers Committee
wish to obtain submissions from
Criminal Law practitioners in
relation to the adequacy of fees
paid under the Legal Aid Scheme.
Any inquiries or submissions
should be directed to Linda Kirwan,
The Law Society, Blackhall Place,
Dublin 7.
Land Registry/Registry of Deeds
handout circulated with
1990 Gazette
Page 4. Item
no 20.
The second sentence of this item
should read:-
"Deeds of charge lodged with
leases should be in the form
applicable to unregistered land".
Conveyancing Committee
Supreme Court Order
for security for costs
In an oral judgment on November
16, 1990, the Supreme Court
ordered an appellant/plaintiff re-
siding within the jurisdiction (who
was appealing against a High Court
Order dismissing his claim), to give
security for costs of the second-
named defendant to be occasioned
by the Appeal "in such sum as shall
be determined by the Master of the
High Court and that such security
be given by placing the said sum on
deposit in the joint names of the
respective solicitors for the Plaintiff
and the second-named defendant
within one month of such deter-
mination by the Master of the High
Court and that in default of such
security being duly given as afore-
said the plaintiff's appeal do stand
struck out".
It is understood that this is the
first case in which a defendant
successfully applied for security for
costs of an Appeal where the
appellant/plaintiff resided within
the jurisdiction.
(Fallon -v- An Bord Pleanala and
Supreme Court 16 Novem-
ber, 1990 per Finlay C.J. with
Griffin and Hederman JJ. con-
Land Registry - Ground
Rents Section
Notice is hereby given that Ground
Rents Section of the Land Registry
will move to Ormond House,
Ormond Quay, Dublin 7 on Monday,
29th April 1991. Tel: 01-732233.
Fax: 01-728654.
Bu s i n e ss Se rv i c es
130A Lower Drumcondra Road,
Dublin 9.
Phone: 369111 Fax: 369740
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