should he drawn off and thrown away,so that custom
ers may have it fresh and free from any metallic taste.
Pipes should be cleansed every week by running a
strong solution of sal soda and hot water through them.
This loosens all the corrosion. Then there should be
several bucketfuls of hot water run through to rinse
the pipes thoroughly. By this means there is no possi
ble danger.
We have said something about every beverage
except water. If it can be gotten pure,it is a very fine
drink, and there are times when nothing can take its
place. It is a shame that the two things most impor
tant to humanity—air and water—are so contaminated,
so hard to get in a pure state. Everybody who is at all
informed knowsthat there is a risk in the air we breathe
and the water we drink. This accounts in part for the
great popularity of beer. Persons who are not fond of
beer use some of the spring waters, or the mineral and
medicinal waters, as a diluent,butsome of them are not
good to quench thirst. The spring and mineral waters
are Apollinaris, Seltzer, Tichy, plain soda, Sheboygan,
Waukesha,Saratoga,Congress, Hathorn,Oconomowoc,
Ypsilanti, Mt. Clemens, West Baden, French Lick,