2 0 1 6 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S
• After broad citizen consultation,
developed and launched a new Public
Safety Strategy which brings together
all of the City’s responses to crime,
emergency preparedness, personal safety,
transportation safety, and persistent social
challenges, within 35 strategic initiatives.
• Launched the City Centre Response
Plan to ensure integrated responses for
our most vulnerable residents impacted
by homelessness, mental health and
addictions. This three-phased plan includes
The Surrey Outreach Team which brings
together RCMP, City staff as well as
government partners and social service
agencies to ensure comprehensive and
timely supports.
• Completed 50% on the Land Use Contract
(LUC) Termination project, and successfully
completed the “grace period” on the
LUCs from 2015, which means that the
underlying zoning is currently in effect.
• Developed a new model for an Integrated
Services Network, in partnership with the
Provincial Government. The model seeks to
enhance court efficiencies while reducing
recidivism among offenders facing multiple
social challenges. A business case is in
development for provincial funding.
• Launched the Freedom of Information
(FOI) Portal to provide easier access for
the public, and enhance internal handling
and processing efficiency. The portal tracks
both formal FOI and routine information
• Launched Project IRIS, an online database
where residents and businesses can
register the location of their security
cameras. City staff manage the database
to assist Surrey RCMP to more quickly
identify potential camera resources
should an incident occur. Project IRIS
was developed from projects undertaken
by two Emerging Leaders Program (ELP)
• Developed a new civic engagement model
for Surrey to inform, engage and empower
citizens. An ELP team reviewed best
practices and outlined a new approach.
This project is moving to implementation
through a second ELP team tasked with
executing recommendations.
• Implemented the Community Patrol
Program in Newton, where Community
Patrol Officers work alongside Surrey
RCMP, Surrey Crime Prevention Society,
and the Newton Business Improvement
Association (BIA) Commissionaires, to
address crime and nuisance activity.
• Obtained Council approval for a new
streamlined screening and licensing
process for recovery homes to improve the
overall management from both a regulatory
and customer service perspective. The
goal is to reduce both complaints and the
operation of illegal recovery homes.
• Established the Impact Investment
Committee within the Surrey
Homelessness & Housing Society to
facilitate structured equity and financing
of affordable rental housing in partnership
with the City and existing non-profit
The City Manager’s Department provides advice and recommendations to City Council-related policies
and emerging issues. The department assists in guiding the work of other City Departments, thus ensuring
a coordinated and balanced implementation of Council policy. The City Manager’s office provides effective
financial management by monitoring the annual budget and the 5-year Financial Plan and has the
responsibility for the following operational divisions/sections:
The Legal Services Division provides legal services to City Council
and all of the City’s Departments. City solicitors serve as court counsel,
provide legal advice and render legal opinions on a wide variety
of matters along with drafting and reviewing all forms of legal and
legislative documentation associated with the business of the City.
The Public Safety Office is responsible for developing, implementing
and monitoring the City of Surrey Public Safety Strategy, an evidence-
based approach aligned with the vision and strategic goals of Council.
The Public Safety Strategy fosters integration across all public safety
portfolios in the City and is linked with the RCMP Strategic Framework,
other strategic approaches in the City and the mandate of Provincial
agencies and service providers in the City of Surrey. The Public Safety
Office provides oversight and support to RCMP Support Services.
The Bylaw & Licensing Division is responsible for the enforcement of
regulatory bylaws, the issuance of business licenses, animal control
functions, operation of the Surrey Animal Resource Centre and parking
enforcement. Using both complaints from the public and a proactive
approach, enforcement staff work with property owners to address
safety, maintenance, beautification and livability issues within the
The Legislative Services Division carries out the statutory
responsibilities of the Corporate Officer as legislated under the
Community Charter. The Division provides services to City Council, City
Departments and the public; is responsible for ensuring City business is
undertaken in accordance with all levels of government legislation; and
manages the City’s compliance with the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy (FIPPA) legislation which includes the Corporate
Records program, privacy training, impact assessments, and responding
to requests for information under FIPPA.