2 0 1 6 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S
• Launched two new communication
technology tools (email fan-out system
and mobile police app) to provide the
community with more convenient ways
to receive information about local crime,
public safety, and crime prevention.
• Implemented Project IRIS, a voluntary
security camera registry, in partnership
with the Public Safety office, to assist
police with criminal investigations by
quickly connecting them to existing CCTV
resources in the community.
• Hosted safety forums to provide
community members with information on
how to help address crime and emerging
public safety issues, including seven
Neighbourhood Safety Campaign meetings,
the annual Block Watch Symposium and
two other events on internet safety, and
youth, drugs and violence.
• Introduced Community Outreach teams
who attended community events to: build
positive relationships with young people
and families, provide access to police in
a non-threatening environment, listen to
concerns of local residents, and provide
information to promote public safety.
• Created the first RCMP Diversity &
Community Engagement Unit to enhance
the Surrey RCMP’s relationships with
the City’s diverse communities and
raise awareness around diversity issues
both within and outside of the police
• Conducted a review of the Surrey
RCMP volunteer program in an effort to
standardize this service across the five
Districts, and deployed new technology
to enhance existing community policing
programs such as Speed Watch and Lock
Out Auto Crime.
• Set up iPad kiosk terminals in the front
counter area of Main Detachment to
provide clients the ability to access key
information from the City of Surrey and
RCMP, also implemented a new free public
Wifi access service.
• Implemented a new Medical Services
program in the Cellblock area providing
24/7 coverage by a registered nurse to
provide in-patient care to prisoners as they
are brought in and during their stay.
• Introduced Naloxone nasal spray into every
police officers first response kit to address
overdose and exposure concerns related to
the emerging opioid crisis.
• Initiated a Parent Help Line to provide
personalized support to parents who
believe their kids may be involved or at risk
of becoming involved in criminal activity.
The RCMP provides policing services to the City of Surrey. The Surrey Detachment responds to calls
for service, conducts and participates in criminal investigations, intelligence gathering, and enforcement
operations, and works to reduce the impact of crime on the community through education and outreach.
The Detachment is structured as follows:
Core Policing consists primarily of uniformed general duty members.
They are first responders to emergency and non-emergency calls
for service and also conduct community patrols and proactive
initiatives. The division also includes several support units, including:
the Operations Review Unit, which reviews police investigations
to ensure quality, as well as Radio Room and Cellblock Operations.
Investigative Services consists primarily of plain-clothes members
organized into specialized sections such as Serious Crimes, Unsolved
Homicides, General Investigation support, Robbery and Economic Crime
Units, and also includes Interview and Target teams. The Vulnerable
Persons Unit also fall under this division, providing specialized support
with respect to Special Victims, Child Abuse, Sexual Offences,
Missing Persons, Domestic Violence and Mental Health Intervention.
Community Services is made up of proactive enforcement teams and
community safety and service teams focused on crime reduction and
prevention, including Property Crime, Gang and Drug Enforcement
teams, uniformed traffic enforcement, School Resource and Youth at
Risk units, Bike Patrol, and district based Community Response Units.
Operations Support includes a number of specialized corporate
and client service units, such as Training Section, Member Services,
Professional Standards, Strategic Operations, Special Events and
Emergency Planning, and Media Relations. The Detachment’s
Operations and the Telephone Reporting Team round out this
division, providing support to walk-in clientele and calls for
service where police attendance is not required.
Support Services includes operational communications
(emergency 911 and non‑emergency call taking and dispatch),
records and exhibit management, court liaison, finance,
information technology, crime and business analysis, facilities
and fleet management, training and development, communications,
and cellblock operations. Support Services also delivers various
community services and programs including victim services,
youth intervention, restorative justice and crime prevention.