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Community Areas

Local office building.

environment for pedestrians and cyclists on adjacent paths.

Higher densities of nonresidential uses would be needed to compensate

for the substantial private investment needed to complete the street net-

work and provide utilities in this undeveloped area.

This Plan proposes to largely maintain the existing industrial uses and provide for

limited expansion in this area, but this represents a departure from previous plans.

There is also potential for redevelopment within the Morrisville East area, where

low-density development may be replaced with more intense uses. In particu-

lar, public comments noted that the area south of Aviation Parkway adjacent

to Lake Crabtree may be appropriate for low-density residential development,

with neighborhood retail closer to the intersection with Evans Road. This area is

currently actively used for industrial and office uses, so any redevelopment in this

location most likely would occur in the long-term.

6.6 Perimeter Park

This northeast area of Morrisville covers the Perimeter Park office complex, the

Airport Boulevard corridor, and properties with frontage on the northern portion

of NC 54. The area is characterized by office complexes and retail uses at the

I-40 interchange. Recent development includes additional office buildings, a large retail

center, including a Wal-Mart, on the north side of the NC 540 interchange, and a hotel

and small retail center at NC 54 and Carrington Mill Boulevard. Perimeter Park has an

approved master plan to build more office buildings, which accounts for most of the re-

maining undeveloped land in this area. Wake County Technical Community College has

purchased land north of Watkins Road on the east side of NC 54 for a future community

college campus. Since much of this area is covered by the Airport Noise Overlay District,

which does not permit residential uses, having this area develop as the center of office

and institutional uses in Morrisville, anchored by major retail at the interchanges, makes

sense. Some vacant land exists along Slater Road outside the noise restriction area, which

this Plan recommends for medium density residential use because of its proximity to em-

ployment centers and existing transit service.

To address traffic congestion on NC 54, the Transportation Plan recommends a four-lane

roadway with possible later expansion to six lanes on one segment if approved by Town

Council (Figure 6.5 provides an illustration). Grade separations (overpasses) are planned

for NC 54 at Airport Boulevard, McCrimmon Parkway, Carrington Mill Boulevard and Morris-

ville Parkway to facilitate traffic flow from east to west. Airport Boulevard will be improved

with bike lanes, a planted median, and multi-use paths. Carrington Mill Boulevard will be

extended northeast to Slater Road, and an extension of Marcom Drive is planned to con-

nect to Watkins Road.

Redevelopment possibilities in the area include the Morrisville Outlet Mall, some of the

older one to two story office buildings, and some industrial facilities. An illustration of what

a redevelopment of Morrisville Outlet Mall might look like is presented in Figure 6.6 on the

following pages.

Figure 6.5 NC 54 Streetscape Illustration

This example shows the redevelopment potential along

NC54 as it transforms into a four-lane roadway with

bike lanes and sidewalks. Planted medians and street

trees complement the new roadway environment and

corridor commercial land uses fill in along both sides

of the road to support increased pedestrian use.

Existing roadway

6.5 Morrisville East, cont’d