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Page Background

most common head and neck malignancy in the pediatric popu-

lation, accounting for 21% of all head and neck cancer in pediatric



. Differentiated thyroid carcinomas in children include

papillary, follicular, and variant subtypes. Speci


cally, the papillary

subtype accounts for approximately 90% of pediatric thyroid car-

cinomas and maintains an excellent prognosis, which parallels


ndings in the adult literature


. The overall prognosis of pediatric

thyroid cancer may be skewed due to the large number of papillary

thyroid cancer diagnoses, which inherently yield excellent out-



. Very few studies have strati


ed each variant subtype by

disease speci


c survival to determine if this statistical


nding is, in

fact, true



Of the differentiated thyroid carcinomas, follicular subtype is

less common in children, but is considered more aggressive and

maintains a poorer prognosis if vascular invasion is present


. Also

of note, medullary thyroid carcinoma in pediatric patients is asso-

ciated with markedly shorter mean survival even if individual risk

factors such as metastatic spread or lymphovascular invasion are



. Among those diagnosed with thyroid carcinomas, pe-

diatric patients present with more advanced manifestation of dis-

ease than adult patients, yet mortality is comparatively infrequent


. In the pediatric population, thyroid carcinomas typically

present in teenage years, especially in Caucasian females, with a

mean age of diagnosis of 16 years


. Previous studies have char-

acterized the female predominance of pediatric thyroid carcinomas

and have identi


ed papillary carcinoma as the most common his-

tological subtype within this population



Currently, the American Thyroid Association Guidelines dictate

that there is no indicated disease screening for thyroid cancer in

the pediatric population aside from genetic testing and periodic

ultrasound evaluation for patients with mutated genes such as

BRAF, RET oncogene mutations (MEN2A/2B), Cowden Syndrome,

Werner Syndrome and PTEN Related Syndromes. Further consid-

erations include patients who received radiation for Hodgkin

Lymphoma, Leukemias and CNS Tumors especially with radiation

doses between 20 and 29 Gy




. The American Thyroid As-

sociation Task Force on Pediatric Thyroid Cancer reports insuf



cient evidence for utilizing ultrasound to screen for non-palpable

thyroid nodules in patient populations not already described due to

the likelihood of false positives associated with an enlarged thymus

or simple cysts


. As such, pediatricians and otolaryngologists

are forced to rely on early identi


cation of neck masses by physical

examination in order to yield the excellent prognosis for pediatric

patients currently described in the literature


. While mortality is

rare, past studies have identi


ed factors associated with poorer

prognosis of well-differentiated pediatric thyroid carcinomas, such

as presence of distant metastases, large primary tumor size, lym-

phovascular invasion, and male sex


. Interestingly, one recent

study has demonstrated that the V600 BRAF mutation implicated

in adult papillary thyroid carcinoma does not signi



contribute to the development of pediatric thyroid cancer at the

same rate as currently described in older cohorts


. The



of this study are signi


cant because they provide primary care

providers with a more re


ned risk factor approach when evalu-

ating patients



This population-based analysis is imperative since children

maintain a greater chance of recurrence of differentiated thyroid

cancer compared to the adult population


. Thus, our group

analyzed the new SEER Database updates provided up until the

year 2012 and compared them to the current literature to deter-

mine if there have been any signi


cant changes in incidence and

disease speci


c survival based on the various risk factors reported

in previous studies


. This study provides the most recent

analysis of the SEER database with respect to pediatric thyroid


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Description of source database

This manuscript was deemed exempt from Georgetown Uni-

versity IRB review due to the use of de-identi


ed data and was

approved for data collection. The Surveillance, Epidemiology and

End Results (SEER) Database was queried to identify pediatric pa-

tients with pathologically con



thyroid carcinoma


0 and 19 years of age from the years 2007


2012. The SEER Data-

base, available at:

, provides the public with

population-based data regarding cancer incidence, frequency, and

disease speci


c survival data from 1973 to 2012. At this time, the

SEER database includes approximately 10% of the United States

cancer population and is updated annually by the National Cancer

Institute coding technicians. The SEER registry includes patient

information from Atlanta, Connecticut, Detroit, Hawaii, Iowa, New

Mexico, San Francisco, Louisiana, Seattle, Utah, Los Angeles, Alaska,

and San Jose in order to provide its users with a normalized dis-

tribution of patient cohorts in terms of geographic location and age


2.2. Patient cohort selection

The SEERstat analysis program was downloaded from


as previously described. Our study group utilized the

Incidence - SEER 18 Regs Research Data


Hurricane Katrina

Impacted Louisiana Cases 1973



database and performed a

multivariable frequency analysis to determine the total number of

patients with the below described pediatric thyroid subtypes. Each



c thyroid cancer subtype was queried using the following


malignant behavior


known age


cases in research


for the initial query. Additional clinicopathologic factors

including age, sex, ethnicity, extent of disease, and lymphovascular

invasion were also included within the aforementioned multivari-

able outcomes query.

Within the Case Selection Statement, the following search lim-

itations were applied to obtain frequency data regarding our pa-

tient cohorts: Pediatric Thyroid Subtypes,






, and

Papillary Follicular Variant.

Coding for each of

the described thyroid carcinoma subtypes were collected from the

SEER Database Manual and inputted into the Case Selection Com-

mand Feature


. Tumor recurrence events were not available in

the SEER database at the time the query was performed and

consequently were not included. Patients that expired within the


rst four months after surgery were excluded since these in-

dividuals were likely unable to complete a full course of radioactive

iodine uptake or external beam therapy. Patients with uncoded

primary tumor subsite were excluded from this study as well as

those with anaplastic thyroid carcinomas and non-epithelial can-

cers, such as lymphomas, due to paucity of data. The cohort was

then further subdivided according to treatment modality into a

surgery alone

group and

surgery with adjuvant radiation


which included individuals who received radioactive iodine uptake

as well as those who received external beam therapy.

2.3. Statistical analysis

2.3.1. Fifteen-year disease speci


c survival curves

Fifteen-year disease speci


c curves were generated for the

surgery group and surgery with adjuvant radiation group utilizing

the SEERstat,

Survival Session

search query. Within the survival

session, the Observed Survival


was employed to include


fteen years with intervals of twelve months. Exclusion criteria


Alive with No Survival Time


All Death Certi



S. Dermody et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 89 (2016) 121
