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term resilience (Harris, 2006; Erwin, 2009). It is also crucial

to ensure that restoration objectives are consistent with local

needs and aspirations, to ensure long-term success. In this way,

ecosystem restoration can provide an effective climate change

mitigation strategy.

Restoration of seagrasses and


There is sufficient evidence to support that reversing the global

decline of vegetated coastal habitats and recovering the lost area

of blue forests would provide a very large improvement in the

ecological status of the global coastal environment. This could

result in the recovery of important services, such as their capac-

ity to oxygenate coastal waters, serve as nurseries helping restore

world fish stocks or the shelter the shoreline from storms and

tsunamis (Hemminga and Duarte 2000; Danielsen

et al

., 2005).

For instance, the ongoing national wetland conservation action

plan in China has been estimated to involve a potential for an

increased carbon sequestration by 6.57 Gg C year



et al

., 2008). Andrews

et al

. (2008) calculated that the net effect

of returning of returning some 26 km


of reclaimed land in

the UK to intertidal environments could result in the burial of

about 800 ton C year



A first involves the regulation of activities responsible for their

global loss, including coastal reclamation, deforestation of

mangrove forests, excess fertilizer application on land crops

and inputs of urban effluents of organic matter, siltation de-

rived from deforestation on land, unsustainable fishing and

fixing of coastlines through coastal development (e.g. Borum

et al

., 2004; Hamilton and Snedaker 1984; Melana

et al

., 2000;

Duarte, 2002; 2009).

A second step should involve efforts for the large-scale restora-

tion of the lost area, which is likely of the same order (if not

larger) than the area currently still covered by these aquatic

habitats (Duarte 2009; Waycott

et al

., 2009). For instance,

some countries in SE Asia have lost almost 90% of their man-

groves over the last 60 years (Valiela

et al

., 2001). Large-scale

restoration projects have been successfully conducted for man-

groves. The single largest effort probably being the afforesta-

tion of the Mekong Delta forest in Vietnam, completely de-

stroyed by the use of Agent Orange in the 1970’s and replanted

by the Vietnamese people (Arnaud-Haond

et al

., in press). Salt-

marsh restoration is also possible and has been applied largely

in Europe and the USA (e.g. Boorman and Hazelden 1995).

Restoring lost seagrass meadows is more complex, as the labor

required to insert transplants under the water increases cost


et al

., 2005b), so has to be supported in parallel with

actions to remove the pressures that caused the loss in the first

place. While green forest can only grow upwards, seagrasses

can spread horizontally at exponential rates.

Most efforts to restore blue forests have been driven by the

need to restore coastal protection by vegetated habitats and

their value as habitats for key species (Boorman and Hazelden,

1995; Fonseca

et al

., 2000; Danielsen

et al

., 2005).

‘Brown carbon’

: industrial emissions of greenhouse gases

that affect the climate.

‘Green carbon’:

carbon stored in terrestrial ecosystems e.g.

plant biomass, soils, wetlands and pasture and increasingly

recognised as a key item for negotiation in the UNFCCC (in

relation to forest carbon and mechanisms such as REDD,

REDD-Plus, or LULUCF).

‘Blue carbon’

: carbon bound in the world’s oceans. An esti-

mated 55% of all carbon in living organisms is stored in man-

groves, marshes, sea grasses, coral reefs and macro-algae.

‘Black carbon’

: formed through incomplete combustion of

fuels and may be significantly reduced if clean burning tech-

nologies are employed.

Past mitigation efforts concentrated on brown carbon, some-

times leading to land conversion for biofuel production which

inadvertently increased emissions from green carbon. The

proposed REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation

and Forest Degradation) instrument is based on payment for

carbon storage ecosystem services and could lead to an esti-

mated halving of deforestation rates by 2030, cutting emis-

sions by 1.5–2.7 Gt



per year. The estimated costs range

from USD 17.2 billion to USD 33 billion/year whilst the esti-

mated long-term net benefit of this action in terms of reduced

climate change is estimated at USD 3.7 trillion in present value

terms (Eliasch 2008). Delaying action on REDD would reduce

its benefits dramatically: waiting 10 more years could reduce

the net benefit of halving deforestation by USD 500 billion (Eli-

asch, 2008; McKinsey 2008; TEEB, 2009).

How to mitigate climate change: The role of

natural ecosystems