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Wire & Cable ASIA – September/October 2007



To provide for electrical safety, methods that determine

the level of insulation resistance to transmission of

electricity through various substrates have been



. One measure is volts per mil determined

by ASTM D149


. This method is a measure of the

dielectric breakdown voltage and dielectric strength of

the insulation. The value is high for a good insulation


Another measure is dielectric constant (DC) or

dissipation factor (DF) measured by fluid displacement

using ASTM D1531


. Electrical resistance to

breakdown by treeing in insulation is measured by

ASTM D3756


. The value is low for a good insulation

material. ASTM D4872


is a test method for

dielectric testing of wire and cable filling compounds.

The inclined plane tracking and erosion test, ASTM



, or the dust and fog tracking and erosion

resistance test, ASTM D2132


, evaluate tracking

resistance on the contaminated surface of an insulation



Physical Properties and Chemical Resistance

Tensile strength, elongation low temperature and room

temperature impact, crush resistance, and additionally,

oil, gasoline, and ozone resistance can be evaluated for

the operating environment. Examples of performance

standards that contain these performance properties

are ASTM D470


, UL 44


and UL 83




Flame and Smoke performance

– Various levels are

attained depending on the required level of safety.

For cable, UL 44 contains FT1 – dripping particles,

FT2 – horizontal and FT4 vertical tray fire tests for

example. Additional examples of W&C fire and smoke

performance tests are shown in

Table 1.

Electrical cable product fire safety performance has

been evolving. Fire safety is partly based upon control

of ignition, the rate of heat released, and flame spread

or smoke released during a fire. These are critical

measures and are evaluated by UL 1685


and ASTM



, for example. The amount of heat released

determines how quickly a fire can spread. Greater

and more rapid heat release will overcome some fire

resistant additives. More heat released creates a

greater fire fighting challenge for firefighters who arrive

on the scene.

Controlling the amount and intensity of the heat and

smoke released will allow trapped people more time

to escape safely and property damage may be less


The level of smoke can obscure vision and inhibit

or prevent people from escaping from a fire scene.

There are standards designed to measure the level of

smoke through standards such as UL1685





, or smoke obscuration measured by ASTM



. ASTM Standard D5485


, first issued in

1994, addresses the corrosion of electronic systems as

a result of fire damage. Loss of electronic systems can

affect alarms and other critical systems in buildings.

These revised and newer standards reflect the

evolution toward better fire safety.


Temperature performance

– 75 or 90ºC rating

defines performance of cable for overload capability, or

operating temperatures for example.


: there were unfinished fire escapes, no

extinguishers, sprinklers, alarms, telephones, or water

connections, and blocked exits. The theater attendance

exceeded 2,000 and the building was over capacity and at

SRO. This tragedy contributed to produce better fire codes

and standards.

Some results and improvements

: this tragedy led to

panic bars, a sheet metal screen to be raised and lowered

between the audience and stage (not universally adopted

by Codes & Standards) and doors of public buildings that

must open in the direction of egress.

Wire and cable and electrical equipment standards were

not implemented until later in the century. Standards

support the minimum properties required for safety and


Every three years the NEC is significantly revised to keep

pace with technology and further enhance protection

against electrical fire and shock hazards. The absence of,

or poorly written, standards would significantly reduce the

quality of life on earth. Good standards serve as a barrier

to sub-standard products. Standards should bring value,

be effective and not act as a barrier to free trade. You can

help this process.

2.1.2 Value of Standards Development


Standards are developed by a consensus reached

based upon input from a variety of interests. Producers,

users, testing companies and customers each bring their

perspective to the standards development process. This

process adds value because it develops standards that are

effective, relevant, and credible based upon the integrity of

the developers



Advances in technology influence standards. They evolve

as wire and cable (W&C) technology changes. This makes

all of us, as producers and users, important, with our input

being vital for good standards to bring value and benefits.

Wire and cable products meet demanding electrical test,

physical, mechanical and chemical property performance

criteria for a variety of rated temperatures.

Standards development revolves around generation of

performance data and information to permit safe practices

during installation, testing and usage of wire and cable

products. We expect these products to last for 30 or more


ASTM was cited by The 1947 President’s Conference

on Fire Prevention


for its recognition that performance

rather than specific materials should decide the future

course of fire safety. Performance allows for new materials

developments to raise safety standards to the next level.

2.1.3 Benefits of Standards Development




– The NEC and ASTM, among others, provide

practical guidance to help safeguard employees

and the public from hazards during the installation,

operation, and maintenance of electric supply and

communication lines and associated equipment. The

NEC covers a broad range of electrotechnical areas,

including storage batteries, transformers, conductors,

switchgear, circuit breakers, physical clearances, cable

terminations, safety warning signs, and protective

clothing for workers installing electrical equipment.