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BER 1983

Legal Offices

Mixed Football

The Legal Of f i c es Mi x ed Fo o t b a ll Comp e t i t i on Final

t o ok place on Thu r s d a y, S e p t emb er 1st, between the

holders, Fo ur Co u r ts XI a nd D y n a mo O ' C o n n or at the

Law Society, Blackhall Place.

The t wo finalists were evenly matched a nd it was not

until well into the final quarter that F o ur Courts asserted

their superiority with a well taken goal f o l l owed by

a n o t h er in the closing mi nu t es of play, to win 2-0.

T e ams in the c omp e t i t i o n, consist of six male and five

female players. The c omp e t i t i on rules state that only

w om e n players can score directly with men scoring only

with their leads or through deflections off o p p o s i ng


This year's c omp e t i t i o n, s p o n s o r ed by the Irish Civil

Service Building Society, attracted 18 t e ams which

included individual law offices c omb i n i ng under o ne


The President of The Law Society, Mr. Michael

Ho u l i h a n, presented the perpetual trophy to the w i nn i ng

Captain, J oe Russell and thanked the Irish Civil Service

Building Society for its s p o n s o r s h ip which was greatly

appreciated by all the participants and memb e rs of the

Law Society.



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Irish Civil Service Building Society, Managing Director Mr. William Ingram (3rd left) presenting Players of the Match

Awards to Caroline O'Reilly and Joe Russell, watched by (left to right) Mr. Peter Doyle, Secretary Law United, Mr.

Michael Houlihan, Law Society President, Mr. Eunan McCarron, Director ICS Building Society and Mr. Louis Kelly,

General Manager, ICS Building Society.