i f f
"SOCIETY means a building
society established for the
purpose of raising funds for
making loans to members on
security by the mortgage of
freehold or leasehold estate
or interest"
The success of the IRISH PERMANENT in
complying with this objective may be judged by the
it has advancea in house
purchase mortgages over the last 5 years.
* Secur i ty of Cap i t al
* F l ex i b le W i t h d r awa ls
* Con f i den t i a l i ty
* A t t r ac t i ve Tax Free
I n t e r est
The IRISH PERMANENT offers a wi de range of
investment options suited to the needs of Solicitors
and their clients and there is no minimum or
maximum investment.
For further details please contact the manager of
your nearest branch.