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Professional Information

Land Registry —

Issue of New Land Certificate


An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the

Schedule hereto for the issue or a Land Certificate in substitution for the original

Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new

Certificate will be issued unless notification is received In the Registry within

twenty-eight days from the date or publication or this notice that the original

Certificate is in existence and in the cuitody of some person other than the

registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the

Certificate is being held.

Dated 25th day or November, 1983.

B. Flugerald (Registrar of Titles)

Central OITlce. Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7.

1. REGISTERED OWNER: William Kearney (deceased); Folio No.: 267;

Lands: Glebe; Area: 35a. 2r. 28p.; County: DONEGAL.

2. REGISTERED OWNER: Michael Carroll; Folio No.: 8473; Lands; situate in

the Townland orTownparke and Barony or Balrothery E.; Area: —; County:


3. REGISTERED OWNER: Timothy Horgan; Folio No.: 16285; Lands:

Cahlretveen; Area: Oa. Or. Iftp.; County; KERRY.

4. REGISTERED OWNERt Paul Carolan; Folio No.: 7468F; Lands: Maudlings;

Area: — ; County: KILDARE.

5. REGISTERED OWNER: Alice Corrigan and Alice Whelan; Folio No.:

ISI4F; Lands: Crackenstown; Area: Oa. 2r. Op.; County: MEATH.

6. REGISTERED OWNER: Patrick Oliver Kelly; Folio No.: 249L; Lands:

Baltray; Area: — ; County: LOUTH.

7. REGISTERED OWNER; John McLoughlln (deceased); Folio No.: 806 and

9728: Lands: (I) Bawnmore South, (2) Ballyhahallagh; Area: (I) 54a. 2r. 4ftp.;

(2) 6a. Ir. 38p.; County: CORK.

8. REGISTERED OWNER: James O'Connor; Folio NO.: 87IOF; Lands: (I)

Ellin. (2) Foxhall East; Area: (I) 54.463 acres. (2) 9.481 acres; County:


9. REGISTERED OWNERt Christopher McNamara; Folio No.: 5300 now

closed to 25538; Lands: (I) Newcastle, (2)Slngland; Area: (I)8a. 3r. 34p.,(2)

37a. Or. 4p.; County: LIMERICK.

10. REGISTERED OWNERt Leslie McNtece; Folk) No.: 11476: Lands:

Tomogrow (part); Area: 16a. 2r. Op.; County: MONAGHAN.

11. REGISTERED OWNER: Sean Thomas Kelleher ol Lelter, Baflieborough,

Co. Cavan; Folio No.: 2I79F; Lands: — ; Area: — ; Counly: CAVAN.

12. REGISTERED OWNER: Arthur J. Richardson; Folio No.: 7222F; Lands:

Gurteenroe; Area: 0a. 2r. I Op.; County: CORK.

13. REGISTERED OWNER: George Lundy; Folio No.: 16519; Lands: (I)

Greughlutucapple. (2) Greaghlalacapple, (3) Oreaghlatacapple; Area: (I) 12a.

2r. 30p., (2) I la. 2r. 37p., (3) 4a. 2r. 29p.; County: MONAGHAN.

14. REGISTERED OWNERt John Robert Browne; Folio No,: 8042; Lands:

Salntjohns; Area: 42.332 acres; County: KILDARE.

15. REGISTEREDOWNERi Christopher McNamara; Folio No.: I3I37R; Lands:

Slngland: Area; la. Or. Op.; County: LIMERICK.

16. REGISTERED OWNERi James Sullivan (Junior) deceased; Folio No.: 467

and 2495; Lands: (I) Anveyerg(part), (2) Anveyerg (part); Area: (I) 13a. 2r.

3p„ (2) 6a. Ir. 37p.; County: MONAGHAN.

17. REGISTERED OWNERi Patrick Oarvey; Folio No.: I2I2F; Lands/ (I)

Beagh, (2) Beagh.(3) Beagh, (4) Beagh, (5) Beagh; Area: (I) 13a. Ir. 30p, (2)

20a. 3r.4p.,(3) 10a. Ir. 20p..(4)6a. Ir. I0p..(3)5a.2r.20p.,(6)2a.0r.22p.,(7)

la. 2r. 34p., (8) la. Ir. 20p.; County: MONAGHAN.

IB. REGISTERED OWNERi William George Huisey; Folio No.: 5765; Lands:

DufYsrarm; Area: 0a. Jr. Bp.: County: LOUTH.

19. REGISTERED OWNERi Edward and Helen Flttgerald, 392Tirellan Heights,

Headford Road. Galway; Folio No.: I6SI3F; Lands: — ; Area: — ; County:


20. REGISTERED OWNER: Daniel O'Connor; Folio No.: 26345; Lands:

BalUngarry Upper; Area: 0a. 2r. 33p.; County: TIPPERARY.

21. REGISTERED OWNERi Patrick Molloy, Rosgallive, Rosturk, Westport. Co-

Mayo; Folio No.: 8227; Lands: (I) Rosgalliv,(2) Rosgalllv, (3) Bunnahowna,

(4) Glennamaddoo, (5) Rosturk, (6) Rosturk, (7) Island of tnlshcoragh; Area:

(I) 8a. Or. I9p., (2) 252a. 2r. I4p„ (3) 197a. Jr. 33p„ (4) 322a. 2r. JJp., (5) 235a.

2r. JJp., (6) 235a. 2r. Up., (7) 8a., Or. I0p.; County: MAYO.

22. REGISTERED OWNER: Hugh Slevin. Balllngarhy, Moate; Folio No.: I0S6S;

Lands: Aganargit; Area: 4a. Or, I0p.; County: WESTMEATH.

23. REGISTERED OWNER: Denis Gleeson; Folio No. 6871; Lands: (I)

Garrymaddock, (2) Garrymaddock; Area: (I) 26a. Ir. 36p., (2) 12a. 3r. Op.;

County: QUEENS.

24. REGISTERED OWNER: Thomas O. Mulllns; Folio No.: I946F; Lands:

Ballintubbrld West; Area: 0a. 3r. 32p.; County: CORK.

25. REGISTERED OWNERi Sean O'Callaghan; Folio No.: I2S92F; Lands: Part

of the Townland of BaUlnasplgmore; Folio No.: 12592F; County: CORK.

26. REGISTERED OWNERt Julie Doyle; Folio No.: 11429; Lands: RostydulT

Lower; Area: - ; County: WICKLOW.

27. REGISTERED OWNERi Denis Cahalan (Junior) Ballyeoony, Kllnadeema,

Loughrea, County Oalway; Folio No.: 19908; Lands: (I) Ballycoony (part), (2)

Coppanagh (part), (3) Boggaun; Area: (I) 45a. 2r. Op., (2) Sa. 2r, 2Sp., (3) 0a,

Or. I Bp.; County: GALWAY.

28. REGISTERED OWNERi Alice RalYerty (Deceased), New Street, Klllaloe,

County Clare; Folio No.: 15519; Lands: Knockyclovaun; Area: 0a. Or. I4p,;

County: CLARE.

Lost Wills

BURKE, Margaret. Would anybody who knows the whereabout* of the original

Will of Margaret Burke or 13 Martin Street, or 74 South Circular Road, Dublin 8,

please telephone 783691.

LYNCH, Bridget, deceased. WUI anyone knowing the whereabouts of the Last

Will and Testament of the late Bridget Lynch, late of Ballyneary, Butlershrldge,

Co. Cavan, who died In June 1979, please contact Peter J, Cusack



Solicitors, Orchard Road, Clondalkln, Co. Dublin. Tel. No. (01) 517864.


Required Immediately TWOOFF LICENCES,foU particulars In writing to James

Lucey * Sons, Solicitor, Kanturk, Co, Cork.

SOLICITOR with 5 years general experience particularly in conveyancing,

litigation, probate/taxation, seeks position in the West, preferably Oalway, Please

telephone (091)61218.

Professional Information

GERARD M. NEILAN, SOLICITOR, Roscommon Is pleased to announce that he

has acquired the practice of Martin J, Nellan


Co., Solicitors, Abbey Street,

Roscommon. Telephone: (0903) 6245. Mr. Nellan will commence practice on

Tuesday, Ist November, 1983, and will carry on the practice at Abbey Street,

Roscommon and at the suh-olUce at Glenamaddy, County Galway under the title

Martin J, Nellan

