Referral Service
1. Proposal
The firms listed below are prepared to offer the benefit
of their specialist Company Law expertise and/or
Commercial Law expertise to clients of smaller firms. The
Comp a ny Law Committee has agreed that the system
should operate on the following basis.
2. Basis of System
The principle upon which this system will work is that
the consulting firm will not, in normal circumstances,
accept from the client within three years of the completion
of the consultancy assignment, any work of the type
which, at the time when the consulting firm was first
retained in relation to that client's affairs, was being
carried out by the referring firm, without the approval of
the referring firm.
This will not, however be an absolute rule as obviously
circumstances can arise, such as the death of a sole prac-
titioner, in a practice where the client would insist on going
elsewhere anyway.
Un l e ss otherwise agreed with the referring firm, the
consulting firm will deal directly with the client. The
reason for this being that it would not be right for the
consulting firm to be in a situation where the facts on which
they were asked to advise were limited only to those which
the referring firm gave them or if the advice was being con-
v e y ed at secondhand to the client. It is not envisaged that
any fee would be payable to the referring firm by the con-
sultancy firm and equally the client would be responsible
to the consulting firm for the latter's professional fees and
The foregoing arrangement has been introduced at the
request of Bar Associations. It is hoped that it will benefit
the client, the smaller firm and the consulting firms.
The Company Law Committee shall review the
operation of the Scheme from time to time.
Company/Commercial/Referral Service Acceptances
I. O'Donnell, Dund on & Co., 101, O'Connell St.,
2. Dockrell Shields & Farrell, 5 1 / 5 2 Upr Fitzwilliam
St., D . D . E . N o . 92.
3. A . & L. Go odbody, 31 Fitzwilliam Sq. D . D . E . No .
4. Gerrard Scallan & O'Brien, Hainault Hse, 6 9 / 71 St.
Stephen's Green, D . D . E . No . 19.
5. Arthur Co x & Co., 4 2 / 4 5 St. Stephen's Green.
D . D . E . N o . 27.
6. Math^son Ormsby & Prentice, 2 0 Upr Merrion St.
D . D . E . N o . 2.
7. Caw l ey Sheerin Wynn e, 1 /2 Upr Hatch St. D . D . E .
N o . 169.
8. Ke nny Stephenson Chapman, Newt own, Waterford
9. Eugene F. Collins & Son, 61 Fitzwiliam Sq. D . D . E .
N o . 25.
10. Fitzpatricks, 3 7 / 39 Fitzwilliam Sq. D . D . E. No. 13.
I I . Whitney, Mo o re & Keller, 4 6 Kildare Street,
D . D . E . N o . 105.
12. Ma s on, Ha y es & Curran, 6 Fitzwilliam Sq.,
D . D . E . N o . 11.
13. Wm. Fry & Sons, Fitzwilton House, Wilton Place.
D . D . E . N o . 23.
APRIL 1983
Practice Note
High Court —Juty Lists
Under the existing High Court Rules, No t i ce of
Discontinuance cannot be served in personal injury cases
at any stage after the No t i ce of Trial has been served This
may give an unrealistic indication of the number of cases
in the Jury List going on for hearing
^ Z n u ^
i l i t a te m e m b e r s
> where cases have
been settled after No t i ce of Trial has been served
Solicitors for Plaintiffs are required to write t T S i e
Registrar of Jun es in the High Court Four
Dublin quoting the full title o f t h e c a s e, & record n i t
and, if there is a Jury number available, the Jury number
and stating that the case has been settled. T h e ^ t r L
will then place an asterisk beside the name of the case £
the list. It should be noted that this practice d ^ s not apply
to cases involving a minor, or persons in Wardship or t o b e
taken into Wardship.
0 6
The Litigation Committee recommended that this
practice should be adopted in order to facilitate members
ot the profession, and to give a more realistic indication of
the number of cases likely to go on for hearing •
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