';, That in the case of loans by local authorities
;r the Small Dwellings (Acquisition) Acts and
insurance companies, building societies, and"
ilar bodies which carry on the business of
aiy'ancing money for house purchase or erection
Jie Society approves of the adoption of a scale
of mortgagees'
the mortgagees'
is not a whole-time salaried solicitor
acting exclusively for the mortgagees and for no
other clients) amounting to i£ per cent, of the
amount of the loan in all cases whether or not the
title has been registered under the Registration
of Title Act, 1891, as amended, and if so registered
whether or not the equity note has been discharged.
2. That in the case of sales by local authorities
of houses to occupying tenant-purchasers under
the provisions of the Housing Act, 1919,
Housing of the Working Classes Acts, and the
Labourers' Acts as extended by sections 31 and 35
of the Housing Act 1952 and similar legislation
whether by way of conveyance, assignment or lease,
the Society approves of the adoption of a scale
of costs of 11 per cent, on the amount of the fine,
if any, with a minimum fee of £10, to include the
work of the solicitor for the local authority in
connection with <the conveyance or lease and any
mortgage to secure repayment of the purchase
money, and a fee of i ^ per cent, as the costs of the
solicitor acting for the purchaser to include the
costs of perusing and^ completing the conveyance
or lease and any mortgage to secure repayment of
the purchase money calculated on the amount of
the fine, if any, with a minimum fee of £10.
The following members also spoke : Messrs.
Denzil O'Donnell, P. J. Noonan, R. A. Osborne,
J. R. Downes, Joseph Barrett, P. R. Boyd, D. J.
Collins, P. C. Moore, J. J. Sheil, J. P. Tyrrell.
Mr. Arthur Cox moved and Mr. G. G. Overend
seconded the following amendment to both reso–
" That the meeting stand adjourned for a
period not exceeding one month and that a
Committee of the Council should discuss the
resolutions with representatives of the solicitors
who act for local authorities and for building
societies within 14 days as a matter of urgency
that consideration of
should be resumed at the adjourned meeting
as a matter of urgency."
The amendment having been put to the meeting
was carried unanimously.
It was subsequently decided that a Committee
of the Council should meet the representatives of
the interested solicitors on May z6th., and that the
General Meeting should
stand adjourned until
June ist.
On the motion of Mr. S. V. Crawford, seconded
by Mr. S. H. Lynch, the meeting passed a vote
of thanks to the President for his services to the
Society since his election and for his conduct of the
the Preliminary Examination for intending
apprentices to solicitors held on the 4th and jth
days of April the following passed the examination
and their names are arranged in order of merit.
1. Thomas M. D. Shaw.
2. Kevin John Lyster.
3 candidates attended ;
2 passed.
At the Final Examination for apprentices to
solicitors held on 4th, 5th, and 6th days of April,
the following passed the examination and their
names are arranged in order of merit.
Passed With Honours.
1. Hallam J. C. Studdert, B.A., LL.B.
2. Brendan O'R. Rogers.
Walter Beatty, Patrick Golfer, William A. P.
O'Connor, Noel T. Smith, B.A.; John J. Cooke,
Edward J. G. Dillon, Scan F. MacGiollarnath,
B.A., LL.B.;
Thomas Crowley, Desmond T.
Breen, Kevin J. Early, Patrick J. O'Connor, John
E. Russell, John E. MacCurtain, B.A.; Cliodna
M. Cussen, M.A.; Bernard M. Brennan.
35 candidates attended ;
17 passed.
The Council has awarded Special Certificates to
Hallam J. C. Studdert and Brendan O'R. Rogers.
THE next examinations will be held on July ist
and znd. Notice must be given on or before June
District Court Rules No. 2. 1955
THE District Court Rules (No. 2) 1955, prescribing
revised scales of costs for transactions in the District
Court will come into force on the ist July, 1955
and are fully set out in S.I. No. 84 of 195 5. Members
may obtain copies from the Government Publications
Sale Office, price is. 6d.