experience and we feel that we have gained thereby
in the following respects :—
1. The opportunity of observing at close hand the
organisation and arrangements of an Inter
national Conference.
2. The opportunity of observing the excellent
technique of highly skilled Authors, Chairman
and Speakers both in the conduct of the
meetings and in the expression of their opinions.
3. The opportunity of meeting representatives of
organised Law Societies of the world and of
establishing friendly relations with them and
of future contacts hereafter.
4. The acquisition of a fund of information and
knowledge as to the work and activities of the
legal profession throughout the world and the
opportunity of collating and relating it to our
own work and requirements.
15. A summary of the papers and discussions at
the meetings attended by the Society's representatives
has been prepared and copies have been placed in
this Society's Library for members who
In addition to this summary the papers
themselves are available.
Section B.
SOLICITOR, experienced conveyancing and probate,
situation as Assistant, city or country, or would consider
partnership. Capital available if necessary. Box. No. 6.207.
Section C.
FOR SALE. O'Connor, Justice of the Peace, 2 Vols. (perfect
condition) :
Criminal Digest (Gavan Duffy) ;
Criminal Law (1922 Ed.) ; Sandes Criminal Law (2nd Ed.) ;
Dail Statutes, 1933, 1936, 1948-1954 (inclusive) ;
Instruments (1948-1951 inclusive). Box No. C.I5O.
Examinations will be held on ist and 2nd February. Last day
for notice nth January.
the General Meeting of the Medico-Legal
Society of Ireland held on the 29th October last
the following Officers and Council were elected for
the Session, 1956-57.
Patron: The Chief Justice, The Hon. Conor A.
Maguire ; Prsident: Dr. J. P. Brennan, Coroner for
Co. Dublin;
Hon. Secretary: M. J. Leech, 4
Chancery Place, Dublin ('phone 76831);
Treasurer: Captain James A. Kelly, Ulster Bank
Chambers, 3/4 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin
('phone 79129).
Council: Edward Fahy, M.A., B.L. ; Dr. Maurice
Hickey, M.D., State Pathologist;
Scan Hooper,
S.C.; Liam Trant McCarthy, Solicitor ; Dr. D. A.
MacErlean, M.D., Coroner for City of Dublin;
Dr. F. MacLoughlin, M.D.; and Dr. P. N. Meenan,
M.D. Editor of Debates :
Dr. John Fleetwood,
Judges, Members of the Oireachtas, the medical
and legal professions were amongst the large and
representative attendance present at the meeting at
which Mr. Liam Trant McCarthy, solicitor, Chairman
of the Organising Committee at first presided. A
paper was delivered afterwards by former Judge
J. A. McCarthy, S.C, on the subject of " The Mind
and Crime." The Chief Justice presided. This was
followed by a lively and interesting discussion.
The Council of the Society has arranged the
following Ordinary Meetings for the remainder of
the 1956-7 Session in the Dolphin Hotel, Dublin,
at 8 p.m. on the dates stated :
Friday, jtb December,
1956—Paper—" The Privilege of Professional Com
munications "—by Dr. MacErlean, Dublin City
Thursday, $isf January
, 1957—Symposium
" The Medico-Legal Aspect of Road Traffic
Problems." Speakers :
Edward Fahy, M.A., B.L. ;
Dr. P. N. Meenan, M.D., Pathologist, St. Vincent's
Hospital, Dublin;
Frederick J. Mangan, M.A.,
LL.B., Principal
Justice, Dublin Metropolitan
District Court;
z%th March,
Paper " Hypnotism and the Law," by Eric C.
Cuddon, M.A., B.C.L., Barrister at Law. Member
of the English Medico-Legal Society and author of
" Hypnosis, its Meaning and Practice."
Membership is open to members of the Medical
and Legal Professions in Ireland and to others
interested in Medico-Legal matters.
The annual
subscription is
is. Full particulars as to mem
bership, etc., may be obtained from the Hon.
Secretary at 4 Chancery Place, Dublin.
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