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crowding persists notwithstanding the falling off

in the number of indentures of apprenticeship

registered after 1939 and during the war.


Committee do not think it necessary at present to

express any opinion as to whether steps should be

taken to control the intake of apprentices but they

recommended that the matter should be kept under

review by the Council.

5th February, 1957.

(Signed) SEAN O'hUADHAiGH,


Solicitors' Buildings,

Four Courts,




A MEETING of the Council of the Association was

held on Wednesday the 6th of March, 1957, at

which it was reported that a presentation on behalf

of the Association had been made to Mr. Thomas

Bell recently retired Court Clerk of the Metro

politan District Civil Court.

The question of a scale of costs for proceedings

under the Enforcement of Court Orders Acts was

again discussed, and in view of the steps already

taken, it was hoped that the Law Society's re

presentatives on the District Court Rules Com

mittee would press for the introduction of such a


Representations were received about the con

fusing of adhesive fee stamps which are of a standard

colour and design.

To obviate confusion it has

been suggested


the Revenue Commissioners

that different coloured stamps be used for the

different departments.

A member raised a question in connection with

the costs of successful counterclaims in the Circuit

Court. The Council's understanding is that, subject

to the trial judge's discretion, where a claim is

unsuccessful, and a counter claim is successful, the

defendant recovers the costs both of defending

the claim, and of winning the counterclaim. Any

member whose experience is recently different from

this is requested to communicate with the Honorary


A meeting of the Council of the Association

was held on Wednesday, the jrd April, 1957.

A special committee has conducted a canvass in

favour of Mr. Arthur Cox for election to the


The Council considered and found itself in general

agreement with the Law Society's memorandum

on non-Contentious costs, and the proposed re­

vision of Schedule 2 to the Solicitors Remuneration

General Order, 1884. The Council also considered

the Law Society's memorandum relating to Lab

ourers Acts costs, and agreed with it.

The Council referred to the Law Society questions

which had arisen regarding practice in the Circuit

Court, as to the allowing of the costs of successful


The desirability in the public interest of the

making of District Court Hire Purchase Rules

has been brought to the attention of the Minister

for Justice. As matters stand, proceedings for the

recovery of hire purchase articles, even of small

value, must be brought in the Circuit Court with

its higher outlays, and consequent hardship OH

poor defendants.

A deputation has been appointed to wait upon

the County Registrar in an endeavour to improve

the service of District Court processes.

In this

connection the Council takes the view that it is

unfair for solicitors to be asked to pay to country

District Court process Servers fees in excess of

the fees prescribed by the rules. Such excess cannot

be recovered in the proceedings, and falls either

upon the solicitor, or his client.

The Council

consider that the rules should be amended if necess

ary to provide for extra service fees in the country,

and that until suitable arrangements are made,

solicitors should not pay fees in excess of those

allowed by the rules.

The next meeting of the Council of the Associa

tion was fixed for the ist May, 1957.


THE Spring Outing of the above Society at which

the Captain's (Mr. J. C. Griffin's) prize and other

prizes will be competed for, will be held at Dundalk

Golf Club, Dundalk, Co. Louth, on Saturday,

the i ith day of May, 1957. Entries at Clubhouse from

10 a.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. New Members and non-

playing .Solicitors will be warmly welcomed.

Annual Subscription (£i) now payable to Hon.

Treasurer, John J. O'Dwyer, 15 D'Olier Street,


Further enquiries to Gerard M. Doyle, 50 Lower

O'Connell Street, Dublin, Hon. Secretary.



Decision of Administrative Tribunal can be quashed by

Certiorari for error on face of record, even if statute

states that the decision of such tribunal is final.

In 1936 the applicant lost the sight of his right

eye, and in 1955 he lost the sight of his left eye in