AT the Intermediate Examination for apprentices
to solicitors held on the nth, I2th and I3th days
of June 1957 the following passed the examination.
Passed with Merit.
i. Conal J. Clancy, 2. John P. A. Hooper, 3.
Francis G. M. Gannon.
Richard J. Black, Michael J. Butler, John C.
Cashman, Peter D. Collins, Fionnbarra Dempsey,
Marie T. Donnellan, Patrick Joseph Farrell, David
R. Felton, Adrian F. J. Fitzgerald, Maire N. Gibbons,
Michael J. Hogan, Brian O. Lyons, Edward M.
Masterson, Dermod Morrissey-Murphy, Peter F.
Moylan, Maurice A. Neville, Thomas P. O'Connor,
Francis C. Qjiinn, Peter A. Smithwick, Donald O.
Stuart, Rosaleen Walsh, Cathal N. Young.
43 candidates attended ; 25 passed.
The Centenary Prize was awarded to Conal J.
At Examinations in the Irish language held on
the z8th day of June 1957, the following passed
the examinations.
First Examination in Irish.
Robert Cussen, Michael G. Dickson, Delphine
A. C. Dudley, David O'N. Kiely, Desmond J.
O'Malley, Cyril M. Osborne.
7 candidates attended ; 6 passed.
Second Examination in Irish.
Kenneth L. Armstrong, Michael
J. Butler,
Timothy H. Crowley, Marie T. Donnellan, Patrick
V. Fagan, John F. Kealy, Noelle Maguire, Gertrude
Louise O'Connell, Sean Cormac Rynne.
11 candidates attended ; 9 passed.
Course A.—Company Law and Administration of
Estates. Mondays and Thursdays, 2.15 p.m.,
commencing Thursday, October 3rd.
Course B.—Conveyancing Law and Practice and
Land Law. Tuesdays and Fridays, 2.15 p.m.,
commencing Tuesday October ist.
Course C.—The Procedure and Practice of the
Tuesday and Saturday at 9 a.m.,
commencing Tuesday October ist.
Course D.—Taxation
Mondays at 9 a.m. and Saturdays at 10.15 a.m.,
commencing Saturday October jth.
Course E.—Book-keeping, Mondays and Thursdays
at 3.30 p.m., commencing Thursday, October
3 rd.
Course F.—The rights duties and responsibilities of
solicitors two lectures. The dates on which the
lectures will be held will be announced at a
later date.
Fee £8 8s. for each course except Course E for
which the fee is £6 6s., and Course F for which
there is no fee.
THE President of Ireland and Mrs. O'Kelly were
present at a reception held in the Great Hall of the
Four Courts on Thursday August ist in honour
of members of the American Bar Association
visiting Dublin. The reception which was attended
by about 750 guests was given by the Honourable
Society of the Kings Inns, The General Council of
the Bar of Ireland and the Incorporated Law Society
of Ireland. The guests were received by the Chief
Justice and Mrs. Maguire, the Chairman of the Bar
Council and Lady Esmonde, and the President of
the Society and Mrs. Gaffney. The attendance in
cluded the Chief Justice of the United States and Mrs.
Warren, the Attorney General of the United States
and Mrs. Brownell, Lord McDermott Lord Chief
Justice of Northern Ireland and Lady McDermott,
the Honourable Mr. Justice Sheil and Mrs. Sheil,
Northern Ireland, the President of the Incorporated
Law Society of Northern Ireland and Mrs. Fox,
Mr. Norman H. Murray, Secretary of the Incor
porated Law Society of Northern Ireland, Mr. R. W.
Porter, B.L., Honorary Secretary Bar Council,
Northern Ireland and Mrs. Porter, an Tanaiste
and Mrs. Lemass, the Minister for Justice and Mrs.
Traynor, The Minister for Agriculture and Mrs.
Moylan, the Minister for Finance and Mrs. Ryan,
the Lord Mayor and Mrs. Carroll, and members
of the Judiciary, the Bar and the Society.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the letter appearing in the
Gazette of
Incorporated Law Society of Ireland for July, 1957, I have a
case somewhat similar to that mentioned by your correspondent.
I suggest that representation should be made to the Govern
ment to amend these Acts so that the owner of rent from
County Hospitals etc. should be liable to be rated in respect
of such rent to the extent of one-quarter poundage of the
rate under the above Acts.
The present system is unjust having regard to the ever
increasing rates which are bound to go higher every year in
Ireland owing to existing circumstances.
Yours faithfully,
29 Dublin St.,
22nd August,