and take such steps as they might think necessary
in the interests of the Society so as to bind the
Council without referring back.
OCTOBER 3137: The President in the Chair. Also
present: Dermot P. Shaw, John R. Halpin, C. Gore
Grimes, Ralph J. Walker, James J. O'Connor,
Derrick M. Martin, James R. Quirke, John J. Nash,
George G. Overend, John Dundon, John B. Jermyn,
Scan O hUadhaigh, John Maher, W. J. Comerford,
Cornelius J. Daly, Arthur Cox, Patrick R. Boyd,
R. McD. Taylor, Thomas A. O'Reilly, Peter E.
O'Connell, John Lanigan, Desmond J. Collins,
John J. Sheil, George A. Nolan.
The following was among the business transacted.
The new Schedule II
THE Secretary reported on behalf of the sub-com
mittee appointed at the last meeting to deal with
this matter on behalf of the Council. The Council
approved of the report and adjourned further
consideration of the matter.
Public Notice
(Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 of the
Charitable Donations and Bequests Act 1871 as
amended by the Charitable Donations and Bequests
(Amendment) Act 1955).
The Findlater Scholarship
WHEREAS in or about the year 1877 the late
Sir William Findlater Solicitor of the City of Dublin,
donated a sum of One Thousand Pounds (£1,000)
to the Incorporated Law Society for Ireland Upon
Trust to invest the same and to apply the income
therefrom annually to two Solicitors' Apprentices in
two half-yearly payments, who, in the opinion of
the Council of the said Law Society, amongst those
examined at the final examinations for the year
ending in Trinity Sittings had shown the most
thorough acquaintance with the theory, principles,
and practice of Law.
AND WHEREAS on the 7th November, 1900,
the said William Findlater further transferred to the
said Society a sum of £700 4% Debenture Stock of
the Dublin Wicklow and Wexford Railway Com
pany, to be held by them in augmentation of the
said Trust Fund.
AND WHEREAS by reason of the coming into
operation of the Solicitors Act 1954 (Apprentice
ship and Education) Regulations 1955 (S.I. No. 217
of 1955) as amended by the Solicitors Act, 1954
and Education)
Regulations 1956 (S.I. No. 307 of 1956) it has
become impracticable to apply the said annual
income in the manner heretofore obtaining.
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Incorporated
Law Society have applied to the Commissioners of
Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland to
make a Cy-pres Scheme providing for the future
application of the income and for the management
of the charity.
AND WHEREAS the Scholarship Fund now
consists of £292 i4J.
Bank of Ireland Stock;
£822 oj.
C.I.E. 3% Transport Stock 1955/1960;
£69 8.r.
4|% National Loan; £118
i$s. id.
National Savings Bonds; and £30
i$s. id.
AND WHEREAS the said Commissioners at
their meeting held on the 8th October, 1957, acting
under the power vested in them by Section 6 of the
Charitable Donations and Bequests Act 1871, as
amended by the Charitable Donations and Bequests
(Amendment) Act 1955, made a provisional Cy-pres
Order providing for the future payment of the
Charity income in the provision of one annual
scholarship to the student who
has entered into
Indentures of Apprenticeship ;
has not been
called to the Bar;
has not been at any time a
Solicitors' Clerk who availed himself of the pro
visions of paragraph 5 of the second schedule to the
Solicitors Act 1954;
has completed the final
examination within a period of twelve calendar
months ending with the last day of Trinity Sittings
immediately preceding the award of the Scholarship,
and («) has in the opinion of the Council of the
Incorporated Law Society by his answering at the
Society's written examinations in law, legal practice,
and book-keeping (other than Term examinations)
throughout his entire course shown the most pro
ficiency in the subjects of the said examinations.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that any person
having any objection to make, or suggestion to offer,
concerning the above provisional Order should
forward the same in writing to this Office within
14 days from the date of this Notice.
By Order of the Board.
Dated this i2th day of
December, 1957
Office of the Commissioners of
Charitable Donations and Bequests
for Ireland,
128 Lr. Baggot Street,