At dinner in the Royal George Hotel, the guest
of honour was the President and we were further
honoured in having with us the Captain of Limerick
Golf Club.
The following is the List of Prizewinners and the
Officers and Committee for next season:—
Incorporated Law Society's Challenge Cup and
President's Prize (Mr. Niall S. Gaffney)—Winner:
W. J. Ryan (16) 38 pts.
Runner-up Prize to Incorporated Law Society's
Challenge Cup—Winner : S. Casey (6) on 2nd Nine,
36 pts.
Ryan Challenge Cup (Handicap of 13 and upwards)
and prize presented by Golfing Society—Winner :
E. Dillon (18), 36 pts.
Runner-up Prize
to Ryan Challenge Cup—
Winner: T. A. O'Reilly (16), 36 pts.
Best Score (First Nine Holes)—Winner : J. Carr
(14), 21 pts.
(Second Nine Holes)—Winner:
M. O'Sullivan (n), 19 pts.
Best Score by competitor resident more than 30
miles away—Winner: M. Neary (5) on 2nd Nine,
35 pts.
Best Score of three cards drawn by lot—Winner :
James O'Connor (Thurles).
Prize for secret score—Winner :
Eugene Gillian.
Veteran's Prize—Winner : Niall S. Gaffney, 33 pts.
James J. O'Connor (Thurles);
John J. O'Dwyer;
Secretary :
Gerard M. Doyle.
William Menton,
John Maher, Michael Neary, L. K. Branigan, David
Bell, T. F. McKeever, L. Kearon, J. J. O'Connor
(Dublin), Eugene Gillan, J. C. Griffin (Ex-Capt.,
A MEETING of the Council of the Association was
held on Wednesday, the 25th of September, 1957.
Discussions continue with the County Registrar
concerning the performance of their duties by Civil
Bill Officers.
The Council has under consideration the pro
cedure of the Post Office Savings Bank as to payment
of accounts of deceased account holders, and ques
tions arising as to professional remuneration in cases
of the compulsory acquisition of land.
The precedent Letting Agreement has been
favourably received by the members, and appears to
be in increasing use.
The Council gave a dinner to Mr. Frank Connolly,
out-going President of the Association, at the con
clusion of his year of office.
The Annual General Meeting was held by courtesy
of the Law Society at Solicitors' Building, Four
Courts, on Wednesday, 9th October, 1957. The
Honorary Secretary's report was adopted, the debate
covering generally the Association's activities during
the year.
Special reference was made to the desirability of
a further review of the organisation of the Dublin
County District Court.
The Honorary Treasurer's report was also adopted.
Mr. Frank Connolly, the out-going President,
thanked the members for their support during his
year of office, and also thanked the Council and
Officers of the Association for their co-operation
and activity. He expressed special appreciation to
the more senior members of the profession for their
advice and help which were always forthcoming.
The Council and Officers of the Association for
the year 1957-58 were then elected as follows :
J. B. McGarry;
L. E.
Hon. Treasurer:
R. O'Connor;
C. Hyland;
Hon. Auditors:
P. Glynn
and E. Crowley.
Messrs. E. Shiel,
S. Millington, V. Wolfe, E. McCarron, J. A. G.
Cullen, J. M. Farrelly, E. Byrne, F. Gibney, and
K. Burke.
A MEETING of the Council of the Association was
held on Thursday, i7th October, 1957.
The following .Sub-Committees were appointed :
and District Courts — Messrs.
Vanston, Wolfe and Byrne.
(£) Emergency—The President, the Vice- Presi
dent and the Hon. Secretary.
(<r) Dinner—Messrs. McCarron and O'Connor.
Any member of the Association who wishes to
put forward any matter for consideration by one
of these Sub-Committees is requested to write
to the Honorary Secretary.
The Association is in correspondence with the
Department of Posts and Telegraphs about the pro
cedure for payment out of deceaseds' accounts in
the Post Office Savings Bank.
The preparation of Executor and Trustee Pre
cedent Forms, the investigation of Compulsory
Acquisition Costs and the revision of the Dublin
Metropolitan and County District Court Areas
continue to receive attention.
The next meeting was fixed for Wednesday,
6th November, 1957.
A MEETING of the Council of the Association was
held on Wednesday, 6th November, 1957.
A sub-committee consisting of the President and