Gaining and Lotteries Act, 1956
MEMBERS asked the opinion of the Council as to the
propriety of accepting instructions for the recovery
of gaming debts since the passing of the Act.
Section 36 (2) of the Act states that " no action shall
lie for the recovering of any money or thing which
is alleged to be won or to have been paid upon a
wager which has been deposited
to abide
event on which a wager is made ". In a recent
English case R.
Weisz (1951, 2 A.E.R. 408),
Lord Goddard criticised counsel and solicitor who
acted in a case for the recovery of a gaming debt
in which the cause of action was described as an
account stated and settled. It is understood that
since the report of this case members of the Bar have
been unwilling to sign pleadings. The matter was
referred to a committee for a report. Having con
sidered the committee's report the Council decided
to advise members as follows :
A solicitor is acting
unprofessionally if he knowingly institutes pro
ceedings for a client on a non-existent (as distinct
from a valid although un-enforceable) contract or
cause of action. It is therefore unprofessional to
threaten or institute proceedings on behalf of a
client for a gaming debt which falls within the pro
hibition of the statute, even although no attempt is
made to disguise the nature of the action.
The President in the Chair. Also
present: Messrs. Desmond J. Mayne, James J.
John Maher,
Christopher E. Callan, Eunan McCarron, Peter E.
O'Connell, Robert McD. Taylor, Patrick R. Boyd,
George G. Overend, John J. Sheil, George A. Nolan,
Niall S. Gaffney, John R. Halpin, Arthur Cox,
Patrick Noonin, Francis J. Lanigan, Cornelius J.
Dily, Charles J. Downing, Desmond J. Collins,
John J. Nash, James R. Quirke, Terence de Vere
The following was among the business transacted :
Undertaking for Return of Title Deeds
A SOLICITOR obt lined title deeds from a bank on
tehalf of a client in exchange for the following
receipt and undertaking sign3d by the solicitor :
" Received on loan from the X Bank the documents
hereunder specified which I hereby undertake to
return on demand and in any event within 30 days.
I hereby further undertake to hold the said docu
ments on trust for the said Bank and not to do any
act which would enable the property dealt with by
them to be mortgaged or assigned without the said
Bank's consent or their lien thereon to be in any
way postponed or prejudiced. In default I hereby
undertake to pay to the bank the full amount of their
claim against such documents." The documents
included an original land certificate which had been
deposited with the bank as security for the client's
liabilities and the object of their delivery to the
solicitor was that a portion of the lands comprised
in the folio might be sold.
Nothing was said as to the disposal of the proceeds
of the sale. The dealing was duly registered on the
folio and the land certificate for the balance of the
holding was returned by the solicitor to the bank.
The bank enquired about the disposal of the proceeds
of sale and were informed by the solicitor that the
amount had been paid direct to the client. The
Council were asked to state whether on the facts
submitted it was the duty of the solicitor to pay
the proceeds of sale to the bank. The Council, on a
report from a committee stated that in their opinion
it was the duty of the solicitor, having regard to
the terms of the undertaking, to pay the proceeds
of sale to the bank, unless he had obtained the con
sent of the bank to disposing of them otherwise.
Mr. C. G. Vanston
THE Council passed a vote of sympathy with the
family of the late Mr. Cecil G. Vanston. Mr. Vanston
was one of the Society's representatives on the
District Court Rules Committee.
AT the Society's request the Revenue Commissioners
have agreed to maintain a supply of is. postage
stamps at the Stamp Office in the Four Courts to
facilitate practitioners in stamping copies of Land
Registry folios.
VACANCY for a principal administrator (Grade II),
as Assistant Legal Adviser in Paris.
Members i
nterested in above may obtain particu
lars from the
Secretary.ofthe Society. Closing date,
i4th March.
THE 94th Annual General Meeting of the Associa
tion was held on Friday, 3oth January, 1958, at the
Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. The
Chairman was Mr. R. A. O'Brien. •
The Chairman, in the course of his address moving
the adoption of the annual report, congratulated
Mr. John Carrigan on his appointment as President
of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. He
mentioned that while membership still fell far short
of what it should be, there had been a gratifying,
increase since last year of over 100 members.