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Armenia established the Inter-Agency Coordination

Council on Climate Change in 2012 (Prime Minister

of Armenia 2012). The Council is composed of the

representatives of 14 ministries, 2 independent state

agencies, the Armenian Public Services Regulatory

Commission, the Armenian National Academy

of Sciences, and the UNFCCC National Focal

Point. The Chair of the Council is the Minister of

Nature Protection. The Council was established

to implement UNFCCC provisions, in particular,

to implement measures defined by the Decree on

“Approval of the Action Plan of RA Obligations

Emanating from a Number of International

Environmental Conventions” (Government of the

Republic of Armenia 2011). The Council safeguards

cooperation between regional, intergovernmental

and international organizations, participatory

approaches with regard to communities, civil society

and the scientific community, and capacity building.

It meets twice a year and, between meetings, uses

formal channels of intergovernmental cooperation.

To support the operations of the Council a working

group was established comprised of representatives

of state agencies, as well as climate change experts

(MoNP 2015).


To ensure coordination to meet the country’s

commitments to the UNFCCC, the State

Commission on Climate Change was established

(President of Azerbaijan 1997). The Climate

Change and Ozone Centre within the mentioned

ministry served as a secretariat for the Commission.

National coordination mechanisms on climate adaptation

At present, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural

Resources coordinates all reporting processes under

the framework of the UNFCCC Convention, and

also ensures coordination of climate action among

government agencies. Besides this, the Ministry is

nominated as the designated authority to represent

the country at the Adaptation Fund. Moreover, before

submission of the National Communications to the

UNFCCC, the Ministry submits it to the Cabinet of

Ministers to begin the state approval process, where

related line ministries provide their comments and

suggestions to the relevant sectoral parts.


The Government Commission on Climate Change

was established in 1996 (President of Georgia 1996).

The Chair of the Commission was the Minister of

Environment and Natural Resources Protection.

Under the same decree, the National Climate Change

Programme and composition of the Commission

were approved. However, the decree was repealed,

and the programme closed in 2005. At this stage

no formal inter-agency national coordination

mechanism on climate adaptation exists. Though

the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

Protection remain responsible body for climate

adaptation action planning and coordination at

national level.

For the purpose of providing input to the National

Communications, there are national working groups

within all three countries, representing all related

ministries and state agencies, the academic and

private sector and NGOs. However, it is rare that

these working groups include representatives of the

local authorities and the local population.

In contrast, international and non-governmental

organizations deploy a more inclusive approach when

implementing projects for development of regional/

local/municipal climate strategies or actions;

establishing working groups or steering committees

that typically include both local authorities and local

population representatives.