• It absorbs and reflects light,
enhancing the rich textured and
suede finish
• A fashionable colour range ideal
for feature walls
• Water-based
• Quick-drying, two coats can be
applied in one day
A rich faux-suede finish.
Spread Rate:
per litre
Clean with water
or Polycell brush
What to use
Why it’s the best
INTERIOR / Feature Walls
1. Prepare your wall
by applying Plascon Polvin tinted in a similar
colour to your Suede product as your base coat.
2. Stir well with a flat paddle for 5 minutes before use. During painting,
stir every 30 minutes
to ensure these metal particles are mixed into
the paint.
3. Once your
base coat is dry
you can start applying the
4. Apply the first coat with a
long nap roller
, brushing all areas that
cannot be reached by roller first.
5. To ensure a good film of paint
avoid overspreading
6. To achieve faux suede effect
apply second coat
with a good quality
Professional brush (100mm), in random
criss-cross strokes
7. Hand pressure is important
, if you press to hard you will end up
removing all the suede effect.
Suede is slightly translucent and in order to
create this three dimensional effect it requires
two layers of Suede. Allow the first layer to dry
thoroughly (4 hours drying time)