AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book - page 71

General Analytical Needs
Infectious dose for humans 10‐100 
Diagnostic testing for Q fever is 
serologic tittering of IgG and IgM, 
using phase I and phase II antigens 
To date, no PCR based diagnostic 
approved for human samples to 
diagnose acute Q fever, in part, 
because of transient appearance in 
serum and whole blood
Regulatory Guidance (continued)
Coxiella burnetii is a B list Select Agent requiring 
BSL3 containment
Nine Mile, RSA439, clone 4, is not a Select Agent, 
can be manipulated at BSL2 and does
because of a well characterized, large deletion ((~20 
Kbp) which encodes critical O‐antigen biosynthetic 
Human vaccination is not available in US and Q‐vax,  
is not licensed in US
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