AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book - page 70

C. burnetii
phylogenetic organization
SNP and VNTR based trees for 25
worldwide isolates of
Geographical distribution
shown below.
Pearson, Keim et al. ASM2005
et al.
EID 2005
C. burnetii
– Existing PCR assays 
Purpose: Detect
C. burnetii
DNA in 
clinical and environmental samples
Environmental samples, milk, soil, animal 
Tissues, air  sampling
Human blood samples
Most common targets: 
IS1111, mulit‐copy IS element
Range in copy number among isolates (~20)
Com‐1: encodes outer membrane (DsbA/C) protein
Highly conserved among isolates
qPCR method 
Brennan et al (IAI 2003)
Sensitivity approaches one genome equivalent
1...,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69 71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,...146
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