AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book - page 60

Regulatory Guidance (continued)
VEE is a
BSL3 Agent
TC‐83 is not a select agent, can be manipulated at 
If aerosols of TC‐83 are generated, it 
reverts to BSL3 
due to infectious nature for humans
Human vaccination is limited to administration by 
the military as part of the 
Special Immunization Program /
Investigational New Drug Authority
Military personnel, laboratory workers
Standard Method Performance 
Requirements ‐ Goal
Development of Standard Method Performance 
Requirements (SMPR) for Venezuelan Equine 
Encephalitis virus by PCR method, with the 
possibility of developing a single SMPR for a 
combination of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis 
virus, Western Equine Encephalitis virus, and 
Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus
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