AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book - page 56

Primary Vector
mosquito species
Epizootic VEE Transmission
H t
Ot er species
naturally infected
but not amplifiers
Dead-end hosts
Humans –epidemics of ’flu
like illness, encephalitis
os :
VEE - high viremia in horses –
movement control is appropriate
Epizootic VEEV infections 
Equine pathogen
In natural outbreaks, equine cases precede human
Equids are primary amplifier for human infections
Expect simultaneous impact in bioterrorism event
Human pathogen
Adults experience influenza‐like illness
Attack rate nearly 100%
1‐5 day incubation, illness 1‐2 weeks
Malaise, spiking fever, rigors, severe headache,  
photophobia, myalgia in legs and lumbosacral area
Nausea, vomiting, cough, sore throat, diarrhea
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