AOAC SPADA February 2015 Meeting Book - page 53

1943‐1963 – VEE isolated from locations in South 
America, Central America, Caribbean
VEEV History
First reported human VEEV infections were in laboratory 
Mild human infections during 1944 Trinidad outbreak
Severe human infections during subsequent outbreaks
Outbreak from 1969 to 1972 eventually reached the 
USA (Texas) and was stamped out by 
vaccination and movement control 
of horses
May have originated from incomplete 
formalin inactivation of vaccine strains
1995 –outbreak in Venezuela and Colombia 
75,000‐100,000 people affected
VEEV History
Little epizootic VEE activity in nature in recent 
Locations of activity not well reported
Locations of activity may not be safe for 
Inter‐epizootic maintenance of VEEV not well 
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